Your protagonist is a thief sneaking out of a high-security facility.

Detail a tense scene where they almost get caught.

The Thief Everyone Knows

“Hey stop right there!” Yelled the cop, but Logan kept running.

“You can’t catch me!” Logan teased.

Logan turned the corner and there they were, 3 cops just waiting, knowing that he was going to be there. The cop that was chasing him quickly caught up and was now behind him.

“OH COME ON!” Logan ran toward the cops at full speed and started fighting.

Logan had the ability to turn everything into a laughing matter. Even if he was fighting 4 cops at a time. Logan was giggling the whole time.


“So Logan, how would you explain how you keep laughing!” Asks Nancy Anne the reporter.

“Well Nancy, all I really do is channel how everything would look if I was serious the whole time, then I see how it would end if I just laugh.” Logan braggingly stated.

“I see, I see. Now one last question, what do you think about the impression you’ve made on everyone in this city?” Nancy asked.

As Logan was thinking about how to answer he looked out of the window that was right next time the desk he was sitting at with the reporter. There were people surrounding the building. Everbody wasn’t scared of Logan they were amazed. They wouldn’t turn him in. To everyone else he seemed like some kind of evil mastermind. They liked him.

“I am glad people are thinking of me in a harmless kind of way. I really appreciate it.” Logan stated proudly.

Then the reporter concluded and the show was over. Right when Logan was leaving on go the camera crew people patted him on the back and said, “Look at the crowd differently.”

Logan gave him a weird look as he walked off. But when he got to the main ground, he totally understood.

The city didn’t think of him as an evil mastermind, they thought of him as a kid who was trying his hardest to be just like people in comics.

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