New Year, New Me

Christmas this year changed everything for me. My pageant tour was supposed to take me from NYC to DC with a few stops on the way, but Hartletsville was not on the schedule. Lucky for me, an unexpected snowstorm made it a long term destination.

I wouldn’t have gotten so caught up with this town if they’d had a normal chain hotel to stay in. Instead, my ex-fiancée/agent and I had to stay at a little bed and breakfast.

The Hart-Stopper Inn charmed me immediately, along with its flannel-clad owner, Bradley. One thing led to another, and suddenly I was waving goodbye to Chadleigh in his Tesla. I wish him the best, and I know in my heart he’ll be fine.

Now that my belongings have finally arrived from NYC, Hartletlsville and the inn have truly started to feel like home. Today I’m heading into town to hopefully find some unique gems to spruce up the interior decor of the inn, and maybe my closet too.

Bundled head to toe, I only have a block to walk before the first shop, Hartlet’s General Store. So convenient! I love not needing a taxi.

This town makes me feel so free!

Or it did, until I came to the general store. They really only stock the most general needs. A lot of ketchup, Kraft dinner, and toilet paper. Maybe the next stop will be a little cuter, I know I saw some boutiques on Main.

Before leaving, I notice Mr. Herman glancing at me while restocking cans. I wave and smile as I walk closer.

“Hi Ms. Misty! I am sure glad you decided to stick around. That Christmas party you threw was really something. Let me know if there’s anything you need help finding, or that we can special order for you!”

“Thank you, Mr. Herman! It was lovely meeting you. I look forward to spending time in this lovely store.” Feeling my cheeks heat up, I stop before I stumble over more words.

The kindness of the people here always catches me off guard! I go straight from pageant queen to mumbling schoolgirl with their heartfelt words.

What a great reminder of why I stayed. Not for some meaningless thing I can post on social media to create some sort of aesthetic. That’s what I left behind. I’m here to connect with real people.

Which is how I ended up leaving with bright lemon print apron and turquoise gardening gloves. I don’t cook, or garden, but there’s nothing stopping me from learning now!

Scarf wrapped around my face, I shuffle over to the boutique across the street. A person can actually enjoy the snow here, with short commutes like this! Plus, the snow is white, even on the ground. Not muddy and slushy at all.

“Misty!! I didn’t expect to see you so soon!” A high pitched voice squealed from the back of the shop before the door had even closed behind me.

I recognized the voice immediately. Lilly, the delightful woman who helped me set up the decorations for the Christmas party. I forgot that she had mentioned owning a thrift store!

Turns out, it is much more than the clothing store I had expected. The front was filled with racks of clothes, but the father back I walked the odder the objects became. Rocking chairs, chipped dish sets, some weird fluffy things on a shelf of their own, and finally a counter filled with spinning and whirring oddities.

“I’m so happy to see you! Welcome to Hart’s Desire! As you can see, I take pretty much anything that I find interesting. I love tinkering with broken things to make something new.” Her words came out at 50 miles per minute, something I found uniquely charming.

I found myself speechless again though, just smiling and nodding as I visually perused more of the shop.

“Anyways! Big question! Your Christmas party was so amazing and it brought everyone together so well that I was thinking, well with your history too, maybe we could do a town talent pageant?! What do you think!?” She finally paused to breathe, eyeing me with nervous excitement.

“Wow - I mean yes! I’d love to! What’s your number??” I eke out, grabbing my phone from my pocket.

I knew moving here was right. Every part of my ideal life is here - pageants, community, and most importantly, true love.

I can’t wait to tell Bradley about my day!

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