
Mom’s hair glittered auburn in the sun that shown through the small window. Her smile was bright and full of complete happiness. She laughed as we made sugar cookies together, seeing that I could quite mix the dough correctly.

I remember the weather that day was perfect; the sky was a light blue and big white fluffy clouds dotted the sky.

Mother talked about how warm and perfect the slight breeze in the air was.

The wholeness of the memory was wrapped in an almost white perfection, but I can tell you many images of the memory are blurred and not comprehensible.

But one simple statement from Mother is always imprinted in my mind, for my heart has memorized it, so it will never fade with time.

“_Be kind, my flower, for everyone deserves love, like the love I give you.”_

I remember being young and clueless about the words she spoke, but they stuck with me nonetheless, reminding me day and day about the power of kindness.

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