We Won’t Be F*#ked With Any Longer

My crimson obsession locked her into place. Movement was no longer available to her. Up and down she desperately moved her body trying to break free of the ropes that bound her, but the harder she struggled, the stronger the knot. Oily sweat ran down her forehead, trickling past her chapped lips, whimpering sweet nothings into the air. I could almost feel the pain resonating through the air, but I stopped that in its tracks.

“Why are you doing this?” She weakly asked.

I had no answer. I didn’t want to have an answer, so instead I stared at her. Stared deep into her soulless body, deep into her bleached blonde strands of hair, deep into the sick, sick world she created in her brain.

“Pleasssee. I’ll give you anything. I’m rich. I can give you anything you want.” She mumbled.

Pathetic. Waste of space. Waster of air. Her mother should have aborted her the minute she knew she was pregnant. I stood in front of her, this time I could feel my chest heaving, finally hear my thoughts begin to race to my head. The more I looked at her, the more I knew I did the right thing. The more the numbness began seeping into anger. But wait! I couldn’t lose my shit yet. I had to expose this bitch for the demon she truly was. Gingerly I walked to my blue backpack and pulled out a small box. My back to her, I could feel her eyes glaring at me, even half dead and crying she still had some fight in her, which is why I had to be careful how I handled this next part. I picked up the charm in my hand on gently placed it on the floor in front of her.

“What is that?” She was completely confused, annoyed almost.

Nothing came out of my mouth.


I stood there, almost dumbfounded by her lack of humanity. And that’s when it all hit. All the rage, all the devastation, all the heartbreak came barreling towards me and in that-to her. I picked up the small metal bird and walked over to her, bird in hand.

“You don’t remember this?” I asked quiet as a mouse.

“No? What the fuck is that? What does this ugly fucking bird have to do with me?!” She screamed.


The metal bird once on the floor, then in my palm, was now rammed in her esophagus. The gurgling from her choking on her own blood was the only sound in the room. I stood there. Numb. Happy. Relieved. This monster would never hurt anyone again. I saved the world from another Karen.

I wrapped the body in Saran Wrap, stapled my sisters funeral memorial flyer with the picture of the hummingbirds she loved so much on her chest along with a news article titled “Local Teen Shot and Killed by Police After Woman’s False Claim She Was Stealing from her Car” and dumped the body in the LA river. She would be found soon enough. And the world would know, we won’t be fucked with any longer.

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