I Confess

A confession sets the guilty conscience free, leaving the other feeling hopeless.

You are set free of your crimes while I learn how to deal with the consequences. shattered by

the sentences you formed, the words spin on a broken record and replay a dark image within my head. My eyes cry real tears and become numb by words. I am numb to emotions, disconnected from those I try to let in. Scare I’ll be hurt again. the past follows me through the present waiting for the next moment to break my happiness.

Waiting for the moment to run another lover away

an apology follows to ease the pain of the story about you and her.

Her skin and your skin pressed together, the warm moment you shared burns my skins and causes my brain to twist. Wounds are left on my heart that will form into scars.

the wounds will bleed for what feels like forever. But the scar tissue will be the thing that last.

Carefully stitching the broken seems of my broken heart

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