Submitted by Shadow Queen

Your protagonist finds the diary of a little girl in the basement of their new house. She wrote of strange things, her drawings splattered in blood...

Moving Into Death

This is A story about my travels,moving from Ireland having a 1.2 hour flight to England and experiencing a terrible event tha wasnt my fault.So like I said I had Just gotten off the plane and that's when I noticed That my purse Was Missing and i checked behind me and walked Back to The gate I got off and I could Not spot a thing insight exept People wondering hopelessly like a lost puppy just not as cute. because I lost my purse. I walked back to my gate. The same one that i had just got off my plane from and I checked all around the place and nothing was there. I checked twice to make sure that I did not miss any hidden spaces, but again I couldn’t find anything, so when I checked in my bag again, somehow it was there again my purse was in my bag the whole time now, clearly it must’ve dropped out on some picked it up and put it in my purse but when I turned around no one was there I thought maybe someone ran to the toilets, so that was next to me. Well, you never know . so I just went to see in the toilets if any of the stool doors were open and none of them were open so I was absolutely shocked. Maybe I was going blind .well maybe I’m not going blind and maybe I just didn’t quite see it when I had a look but I did proper take it everything out of my bag and I still couldn’t find it so I’m still very shocked on how this whole time, it has just been in my purse, I didn’t quite understand it, so when I checked in my purse all of my cards and money was still there so I didn’t really worry so much so when I held my passport, m y phone and my purse in my hand, I went through security and I got out of the really stuffy airport, because it was all hot in there for the people, who were just queueing up waiting for something that they’ve forgotten on the plane. as I got outside my Uber who was going to take me to my hotel was already there waiting. 

“WHATS TOOK YOU SO LONG !” said the Uber driver l

“Exuse me ?”i replied

“ you said to be here by 9:30am and do you know what time it is now ?” He asked me

I didn’t want to just say no, so I had a sneak peek on my phone, but then I was pretty shocked of what the time was 

“Yeah your a bit late coming out aren’t yah ?” She told me

I had realised that I had had spent an hour and 30 minutes in the airport looking around for my purse A FULL HOUR AND A HALF that a long time if u ask me . I didn’t say anything else to the Uber drive for the rest of the trip until I got off at my  at my hotel. that’s when I noticed that I was quite near at the beach so I knew that at some point on my holiday, I would need to buy a swimsuit, but I wasn’t really that stressed about that part. It was the feeling that I needed a job. “I couldn’t just be doing nothing. I need to at least be a little bit active. What about I try find an easy job like babysitting that’s perfect babysitting look up some websites of babysitting”I thought to myself. so once I arrived to my hotel, I got to my room straight away and had a look around my room in case anything fishy was going wrong, but as I could see everything was going to plan. I then unpacked my bags with all my shoes, clothes, dresses, and all of that dress inside and as I was getting on my night clothes, well not my clothes dress clothes to go into catch some dinner. I’ve suddenly heard a strange dripping liars. I thought it was the sink, but when I checked in the bathroom, the sink was working perfectly fine and there was no dripping noises coming from there, so I didn’t think too much about it and I went down and had my dinner now when I arrived my dinner back to my hotel room, I realised that the dripping noises were still going on and now I was a bit concerned, so I called up the maid of this room and asked her if she knew anything about the dripping noise, she said no that’s a bit peculiar and asked me if I’m alright still staying in this room or if I would like to change rooms I said I was fine for now but I knew something was going wrong. Well something must go wrong if I didn’t know what the sound was, nor did the maid who’s in this room 24 seven when I’m gone that’s a bit strange, but I don’t think much about it. I had a good nights rest and wake up early in the morning around six-ISH I went down and had my breakfast. The dripping nose had stopped for awhile, but then when I came back after the beach, it was still there, so I told my maid again and she was like. Are you sure you still wanna stay in this room and I was like yeah it’s nice room it’s very large but the only thing I don’t like about it is that flipping noise but I will still stay here so after a couple of days gone past I finally got the job that I wanted the babysitting job, and my first night would be a rich person‘s house I think the name is Betty or something and she wanted me to babysit her two children, Samantha and Sam. They’re both really similar names. And of course you could tell one was a girl and one was a boy. as I approached the house that I was babysitting. I realised that it was huge. It had at least three or four levels on it and through the window. It looked like there was actual lift that you can go on the floors too. How cool is that? I wish I had a house like that anyway back to the house I rang the doorbell and straightaway. A peculiar person came with a maiden dress on, and she said. 

“ hello there, are you Mrs jarrett ?” She asked

I replied back saying “yes it is can i come in ?”

 She didn’t say much after that she just open the door wider and put her hand out like he was going to one of the rich hotels, and there was loads of servants everywhere like that. I was sure that I would get a large tip tonight, hopefully anyway, after going through the door and entering a large ballroom I suddenly saw the beautiful girl that I suppose would be Betty and indeed it was. She has a lovely red gown on so she clearly was going out with someone and it must’ve been important that Jess looked at least £1000 look like the one that just been released to too.  in standing behind her I could see supposedly the two children, Samantha and Sam as to their mother. They also had lovely gowns on and a suit for Sam. They all looked so wonderful. While I just looked like a scruff with my oversized Hoodie on and some tracksuit bottoms once she had told me everything I needed to know about her house, she set

off with her maiden.

 go to sudden I heard that strange stripping sound they said no I can’t. I must’ve got used to the sound. I’ve been in this house for ages since I was born. I said and fed them and dinner I realised they’re in the fridge. There was loads of leftover foods Properly and how much we say and how much money clearly I asked them what they wanted for dinner and they both said well. Our mother doesn’t feed us dinner even though we have loads in the fridge but can we have pizza I started to get worried about these two children, they didn’t talk much all of a sudden I got closer to their rooms and I heard that same dripping sound again and again, and again while I was reading them, a bedtime story of the bathroom cracked open. I shocked I walked in, and the dripping sound got louder. I looked up on the ceiling and there was a little hole in the ceiling About the size of a small mouse could fit through and I realised that was what the sound was coming from a small red liquid was dripping from it. I asked the kids what was above their room and they said mum always says that there was a basement up there with a load of Halloween tools from last year, but we don’t celebrate Halloween so that’s when I got even more curious on ehat could be up thereso once i put the chlidren to sleep i had a look around the whole house to see anything on the ceiling that would look like an opening to a loft .after circling around the hoyse at least 6 time i had noticed something on the floor that looked like a note or a notepad so i had picked it up and opened it to the first page but when i opened iit i wouldnt expect there being any writting in it after looking around the house i had not seen one cingluar pen anyone but when i opened it i had the shock of my life i it wasnt the fact that there was writting in there but the bit that worried me the most is that the writting was the same colour as the halloween decoration that had been dripping from above and looked like someone who had just got there finger and wrote a load of random words . I then realised i needed to get to the bottom of this and fast.

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