"Amidst the roaring applause, a silent tear fell, reflecting the untold story she could never tell."
Write a story that concludes with this line.
Her Story
Amidst the roaring applause,
a silent tear fell,
reflecting the untold story
she could never tell.
Her story was twisted,
and you could never know
just how far that girl
will be able to go.
She played with her heart,
but which side of it controlled?
The smiling and joyful
or the sad and cold?
You heard the strings
play a beautiful symphony,
but did you hear the silence
when she didn’t agree?
As you clap away,
just know she’s a shattered soul.
And for exactly what you see.
She’s not in control.
The beauty of her song;
the weight on her chest.
Only one comes out
and claims the prize for best.
Her fingers have callouses,
her brain is in scrambles
for playing too long
of delicate samples.
She always held her breath
and closed her eyes.
And she knew that she could
never fight her demise.
She did it for the people
to please the ones she loves.
She hid her scars
behind those little white gloves.
You can’t see the pain
of the little strings.
You can’t see what has happened to her
for those little things.