Noah And Isak Pt 13

Isak laughed because the doorbell rang, his hair dangling above Noah. “I can never share a moment with you anymore,” Noah laughed too and Isak hoisted him up as they both went to the door. Isak opened the door,


“Oh. My. GOSH!” Noah squealed and ran under Isak’s arm and into his friends. His friends Mikaela and Michael flew in from Chicago! They used to call themselves the M’N’Ms because their names worked that way. They all embraced and Noah exclaimed, “What are you guys doing here?”

“Well, I heard that you had a really…hard day recently- and we flew in because we haven’t seen you in ages! Hi Isak!” Michael mentioned.

Noah whipped his head to Isak, his lips out in a cute form. “I love you. So. Much.” Isak smiled and nodded a hello to the two of them. He had called in because Noah had been lonely recently and he hated that he couldn’t always be there. When they all eventually got inside and set their stuff down, Mikaela looked at the mess.

“Y’all are way too messy. I’m cleaning it all up right now.”

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of it while you guys are out for lunch.” Isak stated.

“What? You aren’t coming?” Noah frowned.

Isak shook his head, “You should spend time with them. I'll clean the house and then get their beds set up. By the way, are you two ok with sleeping on the same bed? Because I can arrange other things.”

Mikaela and Michael glanced at each other. “Um, we’d rather not.”

“That’s alright! Have fun guys.”

“Hey, I’ll see y’all in the car in a min.” Noah said.

They both nodded and walked to the Volvo.

Noah furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Isak.

“I want you to come with us,”

Isak smiled at the comment but once again shook his head.

“Babe, you rarely see them. I want you to hang out with them for a little bit. Plus, I need to catch up on cleaning the house and I wanted to do something for you.” Isak tilted his head to the side. “But thank you for inviting me. Now, go have fun.”

Noah put his hands on Isak’s face and kissed him. Noah lingered on his lips and his arms fell around Isak’s neck. Isak tasted of sugar, from the batter they ate. But it was wonderful. Isak smiled and pulled back to look down at Noah,

“Go. Your friends are waiting. I love you, I’ll see you later.”

“I love you too. Bye, Isak.”

“Goodbye, sweetheart.” Isak waved at his boyfriend, and turned to the door, but turned back around to wave as the car drove away. He then walked inside thinking of what to do.


“You’re boyfriend is the best!” Mikaela squealed, and she took out her wallet. “He gave us an extra whopping $250!” Noah’s jaw dropped.

“He did not.”

“He did!” Noah whipped out his phone and opened it, until it was ripped out of his hands by Michael.

“HEY! Give it back!” Noah didn’t reach for the phone because Michael was driving.

“Nope. This is a fun time! Not, “I’m going to go complain to my perfect boyfriend for giving us a few hundred bucks to have fun!’” He mocked Noah, bringing his voice up an octave.

Noah did slap Michaels's shoulder, but not hard. “I do NOT sound like that!”

“You so do,” Mikaela shrieked. They all began to laugh chaotically like they were about to develop six packs within the moment.

“Gah! I missed you guys.” Noah shook his head smiling.

“Aww, we missed you too!” Mikaela pulled out her lipstick and put some on. “Nah, my dorm is clean for once,” Micheal mentioned slyly. Noah rolled his eyes chuckling.

They arrived at a nice restaurant but had ordered to go. Noah was nominated to go in but he really didn’t want to go alone. So, Noah finally convinced them both to follow. As they walked in Michael’s eye seemed to catch on to the register man. Noah nudged his shoulder, “Go pick up our order.” He whispered in his ear. Michael smiled shyly as Mikaela nodded frantically. He got up to the desk as we stood back.

“Hi, how can I help you?” The man asked with a smile on. His hair was brown and he had nice brown eyes. He seemed confident but nervous as well.

“Hi, uh, I’m here to pick up a to-go order…?” Michael scratched his head, blushing furiously.

“Alright. Could I get a name for that?...and possibly a number?”

Michael turned beet red.

“Yeah!-Uh, could I get your name too?”

“Oh yeah! I’m Nick, let me get your food first.” He rushed off once he had the name. Michael turned around and smiled furiously. They gave him a thumbs up, grinning as well. Nick returned with the bag, and they both took out their phones and traded numbers.

“Bye, Nick!” Michael smiled.

“Bye, Michael!”

They got into the car before they all squealed like 7th-grade girls.

“He was so into you!” Mikaela giggled.

“He was! You were dying,” They all burst into laughter and Michael blushed.

“He’s really cute. And sweet. And tall. Oh gosh, I’m obsessed!” He put his hands on his face and laughed nervously.


End of pt 13

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