‘Time had never passed so slowly'

Write a poem that concludes with this line.

Talk With Time

Time had never passed so slowly

Time went by, kept me weeping lowly

Stuck in the mundane

Stuck forever won’t keep me sane

Time had never passed so slowly

Each moment I could feel my soul bleed

Stuck in life’s long line

Have I ever felt fine?

Time had never passed so slowly

Time kept ticking and left me lonely

Stuck without hope

Stuck going down slope

Time had never passed so slowly

I left the church not feeling holy

Stuck in a rut

All life’s doors shut

Time had never passed so slowly

Time was there but wouldn’t hold me

Stuck on my own

Stuck with nine broken bones

Time had never passed so slowly

Finally it spoke and told me

Stuck am I

Please pay me no mind

Time had never passed so quickly

Time no longer felt so prickly

Stuck no more

I began to soar.

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