If Only

If only man kind would be kinder,

Act kinder,

Show more sympathy and empathy,

And have respect for one another….

Perhaps we wouldn’t live in the world we live in today.

Perhaps we would have time to focus,

Focus on issues who should be shedded more light,

Such as inflation and global warming,

If only.

If only people would help,

Perhaps homelessness,


World hunger,

Would be resolved.

The problem with man kind lies in their pride.

Pride is a good thing of course,

However to much will exhaust you and the people around.

That same pride would eventually lead to there downfall,

Blinding them.

Making them question what they ever did wrong.

Drowning in questions,

Drowning in shame,

Drowning in pride.

The same pride that would prevent them from showing empathy.

The same pride that masked their sympathy from the face of this earth.

If only the pride didn’t take over,

If only we were all treated equally,

Regardless of sex,






And regardless of human emotions,

One of the things mainly picked at,

Like a scab.

If only These emotions which are perceived as weak.

Weren’t picked at

Maybe we would be better off.

If and only if,

People can show more emotion,

Perhaps the world wouldn’t be so gloomy,

Perhaps the world wouldn’t be seen in black and white by so many.

Perhaps we would be dying along side of this plant.

Which has been mistreated by us.

If only

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