Submitted by Bix

Write a story where the narrator is stalking the characters.

Consider how this might affect the narrator's behavior and the relationship between them and the characters.

I Should Know.

She rather likes to paint. Its her activity

she uses to wind down.

Her name? She’s Lucia Gray, born

February 12, 2005. Just about to finish

high school. Retook her driving test


Lucia Gray moves slowly this morning.

I know, because she’s usually a

buoyant person behind the curtains.

She’d be looking at her rows of 17 s

schedules right about now.

It’s her interview today. I should know.

I’ve been with Lucia Gray all her life.

What unusual things she needs today.

A knife. That does not make any sense

for a McDonalds interview.

Something is off about my dear Lucia.


Does Lucia know I exist? This is the

question I ponder.

I get my answer a few seconds later.

Red! I always thought wine red was

a lovely color. It’s everywhere on me.

Ha! The texture. How warm.

How sticky. I’m soaked in it. Ha!

Oh, of all the things.

Turns out I was not playing Lucia Gray.

She was playing me.

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