Submitted by Amy Blu

Never trust a survivor until you know what they did to survive.

Write a story that starts with this sentence. Think about how you could be creative with the genre!

Lesson Learned

Never trust a survivor until you know what they did to survive. It’s a lesson I have been taught time and time again. Unfortunately, I am a bad learner. “Let’s get ready boys” Charles said “it’s time to get this job done.” “Hey Chuck I’m older than you. I ain’t no boy” Buck said. Charles just glared at him and said “Yeah well if you ain’t ready when it’s time to go we’re leaving you and taking your cut of the job.” Buck mumble something under his breath but continued to get ready, maybe he was going faster . This was a big job, but Chambers always picked Charles for the big jobs, since he has had a 100% success rate. Often times Charles is the only survivor though, meaning he gets a larger cut but so does Chambers.

“Okay evening is almost on us now. Does everyone remember the plan?” Charles said to the crew, about 6 of them counting Charles. “We wait for them to stop and move in over the cover of night. We wait for them to start fires and then hit them after they have gone to sleep, it’s simple chuck not sure why you keep saying it” Buck says as He shakes his had and chuckles to himself. Charles just glared at him, and thought “Why do I ever bring this man along with me.” Carlos, looked with that inquisitive look he often had. Wonder why he took the job barely being able to speak English Charles thought. Charles looking through the scope on his rifle said, “alright they are stoping so we should stop here and dismount, wait for the sun to get below the horizon and start moving on foot.” They all looked at him and nodded. “By my count there have 10 people, We are out numbered but we have the advantage of surprise. Do this right and everyone makes some money, do it wrong and you’ll be dead.” It sounded ruthless but Charles has no place for people who don’t do what they are suppose to, the west is a tough place to live and even tougher if you’re stupid.”

As they all moved into position and the fires were lit the camp was already dead asleep, strange that. Doesn’t matter, he gave a Whistle that sounded similar to a whippoorwill to signify that it was time to move up, Buck was too big to be stealthy so he stayed at the perimeter to try and cut down anyone who may have wandered out for a piss. As they got closer to the camp they noticed it was way more dead than any of them expected because, there was no one here. They investigated the carriage and it was still full. This wasn’t how the job was suppose to go though.

Charles called for Buck to join the rest of them, but he didn’t respond. He told them all to be on high alert and sent Roscoe and Tom to go investigate and not to leave each other’s sides. So that just left Carlos, Sherman and Charles in the camp, Charles gathered the other two and saddled up the carriage to make off with the goods. Carlos and Sherman both voiced complaints that we were leaving the others and Charles simply responded “Do this right and we make some money do it wrong and you’ll be dead.” They both paled slightly realizing what he meant by that this time and that it meant the same thing earlier.

The three of them got on the carriage with Charles in the back, Carlos and Sherman up front. He never lets someone behind him if he can help it. Especially after threatening their lives, people don’t tend to trust you quite the same after you threatening them, or maybe they trust that you might just go through with the threat. Chambers won’t be thrilled though. We didn’t get the job done like we were instructed. These too poor saps won’t probably survive. Surviving is my curse, not theirs.

Not long after they left, they found themselves being pursued. Charles let the other two know to ready their 6-shooters, those were mighty fine enough guns but nothing compares to the fine shooting of a man with a rifle, sure they weren’t good close but that’s why you don’t let ‘‘em get close. He pulled up the scope looking out the back of the carriage and saw it was Buck, and he was covered in blood. “What the hell is this” Charles whispered under his breath. He tries lining up the shot, but the carriage is too bumpy. “Boys, slow it down, it’s to bumpy for me to take the shot” Charles ordered. They blessedly complied without any complaint. He lined up the shot, and pulls the trigger.

The bullet missed its mark though. Buck slowed down just as he pulled the trigger. “This is what happens when you bring someone on too many jobs.” Charles thinks to himself. “Didn’t even spook the horse. Charles spits and takes a deep breath, lines the shot up again. “The bastard is closer now but still out of 6-shooter range. Can’t afford to miss this shot” Charles says. Then Carlos on the reigns, slows down further. “Damn boy. I didn’t tell him to do that.” Charles thinks. Then takes the shot.

It doesn’t hit Buck, he missed his target again, but he got the horse this time and it starts to kick. Good enough, “Hurry it up!” Charles shouts, “He won’t be able to catch us now.” Just as he finished Sherman says “Wait, that’s Buck!” “Don’t wait!” Charles hissed, “He didn’t follow the orders I gave, he isn’t getting anything outta this job.” Hell he is lucky I’m letting him survive, Charles thought. Charles pulled out his six shooter and said, let’s take the loot back to base and hope that Chambers doesn’t have us killed.

He instructs the boys as to where to go in an attempt to lose anyone who may be following. Avoid the towns and taverns, stay off the main road. After 3 days of traveling they make it back.

They enter the compound, a series of well maintained caves in the middle of nowhere, with the carriage and horses. “Something don’t feel right, be on alert” Charles said, “We may have to fight our way out of here.” They exit the carriage when they get to Chambers tunnel. Charles looks around suspicious, this place always made him feel uncomfortable, to many shadows someone could be in and sneak up on you.

Chambers wearing an impressively clean cut suit, stands and clasps his hands behind his back, raises an eyebrow and says “you were suppose to kill the individuals not steal their supplies.” “Aye sir, their camp was empty and I think Buck sold us out” Charles replied. “So what did you do with Buck?” “Shot him boss, like all traitors” well shot at him anyway what’s a little lie going to do? “I see. Well failure as you know comes at a cost.” Replied Chambers. He slowly walks up, Carlos and Sherman both grimace and look at Charles, expecting his death. Chambers pulls a pistol out from the inside pocket of his suit, points it at Charles.

The gun goes off. But it isn’t Charles who is hit, it is Carlos. Sherman turns to run and then he gets shot in the back 4 times and falls to the ground. A wave of Chambers hand and someone comes and removes the bodies, putting two more bullets in Sherman’s head. Chambers Then walks back to his chair sits and says “I never can look into those eyes of yours and pull the trigger. Why do you always seem so confident I will never do it?” Charles responded “It’s simple, surviving is my cur…” he is cut off as a knife catches him in his neck. He turns to see Buck there still covered in blood smiling a toothy grin and holding him as he bleeds out and says “Never trust a survivor until you know what they did to survive, eh Chuck?” A muted gunshot goes off, Buck looks down and sees a hole in his gut from a six-shooter. He falls to his knees making eye contact with Charles one last time, to which Charles simply gives him a knowing wink. That says, “right back at ya partner.”

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