Love, Anxiety, and Surprise

Liz came in, holding a book as usual. "I've got some Sancocho if you want any!" The screen door closed with a satisfying click. Of course, her Ever-talkitive husband was already digging into the usually delicious soup! Their feisty three year-old was trying to get the attention of his inquiring grandma. "Gracias Mami! I'm not hungry right now. The babies are really kicking!"

A few minutes of groaning on the couch with the fan on, and the expecting mother called for her husband. "Honey they're COMING! Hospital, now!" Another contraction hit her, and she GROOOOAAAANED!

As they trundled along through annoying Puerto Rican traffic, (with the car stuffed full of diapers for two) Liz could hear a worried voice at the front seat. "They're not supposed to come out yet! Its Wayyy too early... well at least Gabe's safe with his grandparents.."

The next thing she knew, the bumpy roads were behind her, and white walls were before her and she was pushing. She smiled as her first baby came out, as small as a doll! The second baby came out weaker, but just as cute! Before she could smile at the second baby, a sharp commanding voice shattered her joy. "NICU!"

A desperately pacing husband looked after the scrubs and lab coats with fear and uncertainty in every part of his body.


A gentle squeeze from Liz, and hope was restored.

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