
“Knock knock”, the security guard knocks on the glass, scaring the shit out of us. We look at each other, terrified from the knock, but moreso that either of us might have changed our minds about wanting each other desperately.

Zach fumbles through promising the security guard he would leave the parking lot. I’m certain he wasn’t expecting a couple of our ages making out like we were, which was fair, because we didn’t expect to get caught making out in a parking lot, either.

Rewinding back a few hours, I suppose I knew we would kiss that night. I knew I wanted to desperately, and I think he did too.

Zach waited for me to get done working, I skipped along excitedly toward him, while he made space for me in his truck. with a bench seat great for initiating touching and not so good at attempting any sort of restraint, we sat. We sat with our bodies touching each other the in the most way possible. We chatted and giggled and fell a little harder and fell right into that cinnamon kiss. His lips are so full and soft. His hands gripping my face like I never want it to end but then…

Start again

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