Not Anymore

“So, who’s going to die today?”

A shadow of Wren’s past self scratched at a small part of her brain, begging her not to forget the person she once was. That kind, protective, merciful person who sought peace - and only that.

She stared down at them now, their whines and their maddening cries as they begged for their lives; it was like music to her ears. Her past self was now but a ghost and instead this vengeful being stood in her place; a whirling, spiralling abyss of rage and death.

The bitter cold of the winter snow was biting at their reddened noses and stubby fingers. Wren wondered how long it’d take them to die if she left them to freeze. It would be an unsatisfactory death though. She needed it to be more… _intimate. _They had ruined her life and so she would end theirs.

“I should thank you really.” The man with oversized ears flinched at Wren’s words. “You all made me who I am today. You gave the guts to let me do what I am about to. You will be the reason that finally real justice can be delivered to this world.”

She crouched down and put her blade to the short man cowering in front of her. His grimy face was the first she saw when they took away her blindfold three years previously. She could see the same brown freckle in his blue irises as she saw then. She sometimes saw it when she closed her eyes.

“I have to thank you especially, you contributed a lot,” she whispered leaning closer. “I think i might choose you today.” Nova put her lips gently to his cheek and then cut his throat, allowing his blood to splatter against her clothes and scarred skin.

She heard a muffled scream and whimper coming from the others either side. Nova stood and rolled her eyes, pondering who she might take tomorrow if the cold hadn’t already taken them all. The others were scrunched up on the floor, pushing themselves as far from her reach as they could. They looked pathetic. For people who would go to such lengths as they did to get information from her that she did not have, she thought they may have been a bit tougher when the roles were reversed.

Regardless, she found it funny to hear them beg for their lives. She hoped it wouldn’t be the last time she heard pathetic people beg for their lives as she wished to get justice for other poor innocent girls, dragged into messes that they didn’t belong in to begin with. If no one was sticking up for those who didn’t have a voice, then she would. She could accept being deemed as the villain in the story, as long as she could deliver justice and revenge to those who couldn’t.

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