Submitted by Alice Clifford
Write a poem describing the beauty of something you believe is overlooked.
Try and create a interesting picture of this beauty in your writing
Cup of noodles.
So i sat on the plastic chair, worn out and cracked from years of usage.
Blowing softly on the cup of noodles before me, i listened to my cousin’s tales.
She would act the sorrowful scenes, while we watched in mortified peace.
Sitting in a circle,
the yellow lights hung on the trees above,
the winds chanting along with her.
Like an old song that brings comfort,
the grass and the stories,
the food and the family,
in the middle of the night playing card games,
all ears in the dark.
My little brother
such a sore loser,
when he lost
the act would have to stop
as we realized
the noodles were now cold
the night almost concluded
the sun showed and our eyes closed.
i smiled in the face of it all
the narratives my cousin acted and the tears my brother cried
the moon’s soft laughs and the winds beautiful eyes,
my cousin’s tales were a lullaby
to my never ending sleep.