'I guess it was all in vain.'
Write a story which ends with this line. What has led your character to think like this?
A False Hope
I stare. The wind rushes past me, bringing with the smell of of plastic and wood burning, and I can’t think. Burning, burning. My minds empty, all I can do is stare. I feel like I’m floating, removed. Above this burning world. “My son”. The thought slips in and suddenly time starts moving faster. I spin around to the shadows behind me. “I know your there” I scream. “I know your there. You told me I had enough time! You told me…” “what did I say?” The void calls. “You said I had enough time to save him. You told me if I found the prophecy for Them, I could save him” The void chuckles. “You should know better my dear. I made no promises.” I turn. There’s no use arguing. Before I know it I’m running through the city, my shirt over my nose. Smoke filling my eyes. I’m screaming. “Levi!” “Levi!” “Levi!” I can’t hear anything, it’s just one solid block of noise. A great mix of screaming and crackling fire. I run up and down the streets, looking, searching for that blue flannel. I run past the neighborhood park. Nothing. The school nothing. The library. The market. Max’s house. Everywhere. I’ve looked everywhere twice now. Nothing. I can’t breath. I run some more, coming up on the town square, I stop. My eyes are burning. I can’t breath. I can’t see. My son. Levi. There’s a crash behind me. The old apartment building is collapsing. Buildings are falling to pieces around me. I have to get our, but my son. This town. It was supposed to be my safe place. I brought my son to grow up here. This place. My son. Levi. We spent 12 years here, safe, before They found us. My visions going black around the edges. My son. Levi. I need to get out. The void chuckles again. “How could you do this? My son. You said I had time. I found Them the prophecy. I did what you asked. You said I could save him.” I plead. “Everything I did was for a false hope. You monster! All of you” a spin around. “I was just a pawn. There was never going to be enough time was there? Everything I did was in vain. My son. Levi.” The black creeps further into my vision and I’m out.