Submitted by Cheyenne King

Describe a moment in life which seems to last forever.

You could write this as a poem or story, or as a descriptive paragraph.

I Hope This Letter Will Be Forever

The Pain I went through Is immeasurable Compared to what you put me through

My crown of thorns was heavy

Not heavy enough for you though

You had me, And I have you

Nothing could ever stop my heart bleeding out for you

My lonelines is like a coat

It’s heavy but it’s warm

It’s nothing like you

If I could get one more thing right

That’ll be forever loving you

That’s what you wanted right?

“All I see is you”

Well that’s not true

You left me in the cold until I turned blue

You made one moment

Forever stuck in my head

I wish it would fade like the others memories we had

I’m okay, I want to vanish like the past

So I can forever forget the memories we had I want to be the one you wish you still have

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