Blue and red lights flash in the distance, but it’s not the police.

How can you use the literary technique of subverting expectations to write a compelling story?

Red and blue lights

Red and blue light

flash in the distance

but its not the police

Red and blue lights

flash in the distance

but its not who you think

Red lights a sign

of my wrongdoingss

a glowing beam

Blue light a reminder

of lifes greatest pleasures

a glimmer of hope

Red lights

a devil on my shoulder

a curse

Blue lights

and angel on the other

hugging me tight

Red lights

an addiction

A hellhole

Blue lights


and peace

Red lights

Fear of the future

Regret of the past

Blue lights


and closure over all

Red lights

A mistake

and a slipup

Blue lights


and reconcile

Red lights

The pessimistic view

the fire the pain and sorrow

Blue lights

The optimistic view

the sun the healing and joy

Red lights

The sin

and the greed

Blue lights

The halo

The truth

Red lights

The bad side of life

The worst of the world

Blue lights

The good side of life

The best of the world

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