Write a story about the end of an era between friends.

What part of their lives is ending, and how are they feeling about it?


You hate him? I hate you.

You hate him and now you hate me too?

Why would you make me choose between you and my husband?

Why would you make me HATE you

I should not have to choose.

You made me choose between having you as a friend and having my husband as a partner.

That’s not fair. You aided in my downfall

That’s unforgivable.

I’m broken!

I’ve loved you since we were babies

Since we had dirt in our teeth and riding bikes in the street.

Never thought we would have to go separate ways

I love him, he is a GOOD person

Are you? Will you ever be?

The best platonic love I had for you.

I even got the tattoo

Will I ever be happy again? Without you?

Without venting?

Without laughing?

Without crying?

I’ve cried a thousand tears for you because I’ll never leave him for you.

Just because I love him you hate me. And because he loves you I hate you.

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