After years of tense rivalry between magical clans, they finally put their differences aside for a common goal.

Crimson and Sky (part 5)

Sky and Crimson ran until they saw their soaking wet clans resting in a small clearing. They had climbed into trees to try and stay sheltered from the beating rain, while some of them were drinking the fallen water from the dark sky through puddles. Crimson clawed his way up a large oak tree, letting his tail fall over the branch. Sky was to tired to move another paw step.

She sat at the trunk of a tree, falling to the ground with an exhausted sigh.

Heavy rain sank into her cloud pelt, making it impossible for her to gain any cover form the tree. Annoyed, Sky rose once more to her weary paws and tried to climb up the tree Crimson lay in.

She leaped up and clawed up the rest of the way to a dry branch. Crimson was wiping his disgusting pelt of mud and soaking leaves off with loose bark, “Our fun race turned into an issue” He grumbled under his breath as he pulled a twig out of his back. Sky was to exhausted to speak, she rested her eyes and let herself drowse to sleep.


Pastel dug her teeth into tiny twigs and pulled them out of her matted forest pelt. Two Clan of Clouds members were having trouble pulling forest remains out of their fluffy coats of fur. “Here you pull them out like this,” she murmured to one of them, tired of watching him struggling. “Thanks” he murmured,” letting his bristled tail lie flat. 

Pastel grabbed the end of a sharp twig and untangled it from the Clan of Cloud cat’s fur. “There” she said, tossing the twig off the branch. The creature nodded his gray spotted head. “Appreciated’, he answered. “Can you help me?” The other cloud creature asked, lifting a paw in question. Pastel nodded, and cleared out the tangles of ferns and wet leaves from the cloudy dark gray she’s fur. 

The Cloud members cleaned off the mud on their paws and rested their heads. “My name’s Froststorm by the way,” the dark gray creature murmured, her eyes shut gently. Pastel nodded, “I’m Pastel” she’d answer. The other cloud creature smiled, “and I’m Gray.”

Pastel nodded her brown striped head, “It’s good to finally meet creatures outside my Clan” she’d tell them, laying on her back as she looked up at the rain covered leaves. Froststorm and Gray agreed, “Once I left the clouds to find someone who wasn’t in our Clan” Froststorm would admit, moving her dark tail as she spoke. “Creatures get annoying sometimes” Gray laughed. Pastel felt a smile form on her face, she’d finally made some interesting friends.

(Sorry this part wasn’t so entertaining! We’ll get back on the exciting pace in part 6!)

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