Submitted by The Author
"You'd have to be an absolute fool to believe that!"
Write a story of less than 500 words containing this line.
(Glowing Tattoos Ch2)
The sound of shuffling on carpet made Kalissi stir. Her head was pounding like she’d been hit by a brick.
“Wait” She thought to herself, carefully opening her eyes to see a medium dog sized robot standing on two feet.
The robot looked like a more advanced version of the little girr robot from invader zim. Two large circular eye socket looking screens and a small robotic looking mouth that was a faint smile.
“Master Zambrilla!” It called out in a gleeful boyish tone. “Your friend’s awakening” He continued, taking a step closer, but Kalissi crawled back away on the bed.
Ultimately a bad decision, her bed was like a foot away from the wall. Due to a corner cat post / play area for Cosmo. An all black tabby cat; with white paws, that she’d saved a year or two ago. Down she went, with a thud as the alien girl stepped in. Giggles filled the room and Kalissi sighed. Then it hit her.
“How did you know?” She said pulling herself back up, with much more struggle than it took to fall.
Which only made the alien girl laugh more. Of course the small robot joined in. With a deep exasperated huff of breath Kalissi laid on her bed. Looking around with a curious glance.
“How did you get in here? Where’s Cosmo and Uncle Jack?” She questioned, as her right arm started to feel sore.
Looking back down at it she gasped. What was once a caramel complexion , had been intertwined with the same fluctuating glowing green tattoos. As her eyes met the alien girls a smile started to form on her full lips.
“I made you like us…. That’s the only way I could protect you from the bridge destruction….” She said back without a trace of malice, with a bright smile.
“How did we survive?”
“Gravitational Control…. I think is what you humans would call it” She sat down on the bed, next to Kalissi. “It’s like a super power??” She said giving her a confused expression.
“So super powered alien girls are invading earth?” Uncle jacks sarcastic voice made Kalissi sit up and at attention.
“We aren’t all what you call female. We have many men amongst our warriors” She smiled. “That’s sort of the problem. My people have never come to a planet that has life…. Our leaders are growing impatient….”
“We’ll that’s good to know. Cool tats.” He said admiring the slowly shifting green colors across her body, then he seen it and his face dropped. “Kalissi….”
“I was on the bridge… headed to school….” She started, standing up as he sunk back into the hallway.
“They said space debris came off the closest ship….” Uncle Jack was horrified and she could see his mind catching up. “That bridge is destroyed…”
“She saved me…”
“You are my new earth friend. Together we can help my mother to make our council listen” Zambrilla smiled.
“So now we are housing a foreign intergalactic girl in our house?” It didn’t sound much like a question, simply a statement.
Instead of answering, Kalissi just nodded. Her uncle just sighed and said nothing else. Which caught her off guard. Usually he always had some witty comments or jokes. So she followed him into the living room.
A large 85 inch thin flat screen television clicked to life and he stood behind the big couch in the middle of the room. Across the bottom of the news screen read “please stay home. Only leave house in emergencies”. Then across the top was “meeting of world leaders”.
“This is going to get bad quick” He mumbled as everyone else piled into the room. “I’m not mad but….” He stopped for a second, contemplating his next words.
“I’d be dead…. If she hadn’t…” Kalissi’s voice cracked and she could feel the heat starting to rise from her core.
“If you wish me to leave. I won’t object…” Zambrilla said without anyone expecting it. “I understand… as part of the royal family in my own society… I get it. If anyone finds out about me…. Or if my people attack….” She stopped herself, looking down at the small robot.
“Your royalty…” Kalissi questioned and looked at the alien girl.
“I am one of five ancient lineages of my people…. Soon I will be married off to the next person taking the throne….” Kalissi could see the conflict in her eyes before it disappeared and a smile returned.
“Where’s that blasted cat?” Kalissi interrupted, looking around the living room.
“The four legged beast is what you call a cat?” Zambrilla looked over with a questioning glance.
“Yes, he’s all black with white paws. Kinda annoying, but cuddly when he wished to be…” Kalissi continued to pop in and out of the other rooms of the small two bedroom apartment, stopping at her uncle’s bedroom door.
“Stop!” Zambrilla shouted and the robots eyes flashed a red as he stepped towards her. “I had to have my servant Ebril put that beast in there”
Now laughter filled the room, except for Ebril and Zambrilla who seemed utterly confused. Kalissi stopped laughing for a second.
“It’s just a house cat. Sure Cosmo is know to be a nipper but he doesn’t even have claws.” Kalissi continued to laugh.
“I’ve seen planets full of those beasts… they are not to be trusted. You’d have to be a fool to believe that it won’t attack.” Zambrilla said in a higher tone, tinged with a bit of fear and frustration.
“I promise you as your only earth friend. He won’t hurt you” Zambrilla locked eyes with Kalissi as she opened the door to the room.
“Meowwff” The grumpy thin feline groaned as he walked out swiftly.
Jumping clear up onto the top of the couch and eyeing down the two alien creatures. Then he rolled up and laid down.
“See no danger” Kalissi smiled and watch her Uncle Jack start rubbing the cats back.
“You humans are strange… keeping a beast like that as a house animal.”