Inspired by Shadow Queen
'I've created a monster'...
Write a poem that is centred around this line.
Monster’s Monster
I’ve created a monster…
I used to hide it away.
Afraid I’d be in trouble
If I let it out to play.
I’ve created a monster…
It made many people mad
Because it would say no to them
When they tried to treat me bad.
I’ve created a monster…
It took many years to make.
It’s made some people angry
And it’s caused some hearts to break.
I’ve created a monster…
And then I set them free.
To protect me from the monsters
Who were coming after me.
I’ve created a monster…
At least, that’s what they swore
When I said I would not stand by
And let them hurt me anymore.
To them, I was a monster
Because they could not have their way.
They could no longer hurt me
For the monster was in their way.
I’ve created a monster…
This monster, it was me.
I’ve become the boogieman
To their audacity.