Submitted by Creative Writer
You wake up with all the memories of your own life, but no one knows who you are.
Write a story where you have to try and convince your friends and family of who you are.
Believe Me
I woke suddenly on the couch in my apartment. The snow came down silently. I called my parents.
“Mom, how are you?” I said.
“Who is this?” Mom said.
“It’s your daughter Shari,” I said.
“This is a terrible prank!” Mom exclaimed.
“It is; I just woke from a nap on my couch,” I said. The phone clicked. “Hello hello,” I said. I called again.
“Hello, Mom…. “ she hung up again and I heard tears.
Discouraged I went to the kitchen to find something to eat. I spent the evening watching a Netflix movie. I wonder why Mom doesn’t believe me.
The next day I call my brother, Sam. “Sam, hi it’s Shari. Do you know what’s up with mom?”
“So you’re the lunatic that called Mom. My sister Shari died in a car wreck. This is a really low blow,” Sam said.
“What…..? Dead….? No it’s me….I swear! Can I meet you somewhere to prove it to you? I’m fine;I’m alive and well.” I said.
“Well maybe…….”Sam hung up the phone.
Wow this is crazy…am I crazy? They think I’m dead. I pinch myself. Ow! Nope not dead.
I go to a town park that I frequent. I see many people then my brother and his wife stroll across the way. I decide to head the opposite direction so I’ll run into them.
After ten minutes we meet. We look as we pass by. I hear my sister in law say,” Did you see her? That looked just like your sister, Shari.”
I turn around slowly and follow them about ten paces behind. I hear my brother tell her about the phone calls. What do I do? I thought.
I picked up the pace and passed them twice. Nothing….. I finished my run on a different trail. I got in my car and drove home to shower. How do I convince my family that I’m not dead?
I spend the evening reading a novel. I go to bed and pray about what to do.
I got up early the next day to go to the library to research newspapers for a car accident when I supposedly died. Nothing….Then I went to the county clerk’s office to check for death records on myself. Nothing…..
I called Sam again so I wouldn’t depress mom some more. “Sam, can we meet at the park in town?”
“Which park?” said Sam.
“Peabody Park in town. I run there sometimes.”
No way….. he thought. “Okay let’s get this over with so you’ll leave mom and I alone. This is a low blow though,” said Sam.
“I saw you yesterday with your wife. You just walked on by then I ran passed you twice. I gave up,but I’m not dead. I went to the library to look for a newspaper article about my death and then I looked for a death certificate and I didn’t find anything about my accident or my death. Explain that. I wouldn’t think of stressing mom anymore. I knew you could handle this better.”
We met two days later on Saturday. Sam brought his wife with the information about my death. They showed me a newspaper without a picture of the deceased but with my name and my birthdate. “Weird…!” I say. “The article says I died two months ago.”Well , I have been busy traveling for work and avoiding calls from everyone since I’ve been in a slump, I thought. I’m a pharmaceutical salesman. I learned my lesson here I guess. I need to hold family to a higher importance from now on.
“This article isn’t about me. I’m here. I’m sorry I’ve avoided phone calls and such. Work has kept me busy and I have no other excuses. Pinch me ask me something only I would know,” I said.
“What is my childhood nickname and what do I hate most?” said Sam.
“Your nickname is weasel and you hate mowing the yard,” said Sam.
“You’re right and I’ve had to mow a lot since you’ve been outbid the area. Thank you,” said Sam.
“Do you believe me now?” I said.
“How do we convince mom and dad and who really died? This is uncanny.” I said.
“Tomorrow we have a family dinner. Come and I’ll announce you and see what happens. We’ll have 911 on call just in case,” said Sam.
I knocked on the door and Sam answered the door. Sam announced me and mom and dad cried and hugged me.