To My Teenage Self

Once upon a time, there was a royal family. The King, his Queen and their daughter the Princess. They were very close and very happy living in their peaceful kingdom. War had been outlawed. They had peace treaties with all their surrounding neighboring countries.

One day the King passed away peacefully in his sleep. The Queen and the Princess were heartbroken. The Queen became ruler.

Years passed until the Princess had reached marriageable age. Many balls were thrown until she sprained her knee and ankle.

The royal physician attended her. He was handsome, soft spoken and a few years older than her. He had inherited the position from his father who had inherited from his father. They were a proud and noble family.

The doctor came to check on his patient everyday. Which probably wasn’t necessary but made them both happy.

Once the Princess was well, the balls started all over again. The only man she liked was her doctor. He came up with lame excuses to see her.

One day he reached for her hand in a momentary rush of feeling. She didn’t recoil. She smiled.

The Princess went to her mother the Queen that night. She already knew before her daughter could tell her. The Queen insisted on a long engagement. Being a dutiful daughter she complied.

Two years later after many dating adventures, they had their royal wedding.

They lived better than happily ever after. They had a full, complex yet simple life together.

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