Crazy Auntie Claret

“I’m tired of this Scott… Your dad and I agree…” Her tone was flat, void of anger or resentment that seemed to hang around their normal every day conversation.

So he’d gotten caught again, racing. Not just racing, he’d taken his infinity g35 off road to get away from the city cops near a farm. Sadly he’d not understood the ditches they built to hold water. So needless to say the g35 was totaled and he’d just arrived home from the police station down town.

Of course his father had bailed him out, in his brand new Mercedes. Then dropped him off at his moms downtown apartment without so much as a word. He’d felt the anger then too. Something bad was coming, he could feel it.

“Finally agree on something “ He snapped, knowing a few words wouldn’t matter, she just sighed.

“Your going to live with Aunt Claret in Oregon” She spit the words out fast, as if she’d said it slow they wouldn’t have left her mind.

“So dad up an abandoned us. Now your abandoning me too” He said the words as harshly as possible, venom in his tone.

He knew it was gonna be bad, he hadn’t quite expected this. Aunt Claret was the family nut case. Well if the nuts filled a whole house and then ran the world from that house. A crazy cat lady who was only ten years older then him.

The next few days flew bye, he’d not interacted with anyone outside his cell. Ignoring his mother every chance he got. It was bullshit, their parenting was bullshit.

A few hours and several flights later he was on his way to Oregon. Tillamook was a small town, on the northwest of the state. Near the west beaches. Except no in the late months, snow was going to be a constant.

Arrival at her house took a few hours. Snow was everywhere. It was beautiful, a wonderland.

The house was a small cottage on the edge of the town suburb’s. Of course it was littered with what he could only explain as cat knomes. In different outfits and poses. All littered with snowy covering. Even the door bell when he rung it was a loud cats meow. Can anyone say eccentric.

“Scott?” His Aunt questioned as she opened the door. Truthfully he hadn’t seen her since he was a tyke. Now at 6’2 she looked small. About 5’4 and looked much younger then he’d expected. Of course the nine or more cats of different colors and various hair lengths made him chuckle to himself. Of course this was what he’d know was coming.

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