Alma’s Witchcraft

I ran down the street looking for anywhere to hide but all I saw were locked up houses. I needed to find somewhere to disappear into before the police officers caught me again.

Why did I have to punch that guy? I'm so stupid when I'm angry. He really deserved it though, he had tried to steal my purse from right off my shoulder. But all anyone, including the police officers, saw was me punching him. This is so unfair.

I reached the end of the street and turned the corner. I scanned the row of houses and was disappointed until I saw a small, run-down shop nestled between the houses. I ran through the door, which had a hand-painted sign hung on it that said, Alma’s Witchcraft: potions, charms, and more. I barely noticed the sign as I quickly shut the door behind me. I grinned, the police officers would never find me in here.

I glanced around the store and saw shelves lining every wall full of strange knick-knacks. A shelf full of bottles of colorful liquids caught my eye. They seemed like they were glowing.

“Welcome to my store, dear! Is there anything I can help you find?” An old woman who I guessed was Alma called, startling me. She was sitting at the counter which was covered in small charms.

She seemed nice enough to let me stay a while, but I needed a reason to be here so I answered, “I'm just looking for uh…”

Alma interrupted me, “I sense you need to hide yourself, would you like to try a disguise potion?”

She was right, which creeped me out a little. I had been expecting a fake shop pretending to have magical objects to trick people out of their money.

“Yeah that'd be pretty useful” I wondered if this would work. If it did I wouldn't have to deal with the police officers, I could just disguise myself until it all blew over or until I could leave town. Alma walked over to the shelf of bottles and grabbed a bottle with a deep purple liquid.

“Take a sip of this and say what you want your disguise to be, then you will be transformed.”

“Thank you.” I said as I took the bottle from her.

“How much does it cost?” I was glad that guy wasn't able to take my purse because I really needed this potion, no matter how much it cost.

“It's a gift,” Alma smiled at me, “but remember magic comes with a price, are you willing to pay?”

“But you said it was free?” I was confused by Alma’s contradiction.

“Magic’s price isn't money, be careful with that.” Alma said mysteriously.

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