Submitted by Oddity
Write a poem or short story about someone who lives alone in a bubble.
This could be real or metaphorical.
Fuzzy, Laughing Silhouettes
“It’s easier this way,
It’s better for everyone,
It’s better for me,”
That’s what they say.
But I am not sure if I believe them.
Who knows how many lies they have told,
And how many they continue to say.
They keep me —
My “sick, fragile” body —
In this blurry bubble.
I wish I knew what they looked like.
They don’t tell me how to clean the film.
They don’t give me the correct supplies.
I can’t see properly.
What do they all look like?
What am I doing right?
Am I doing anything right?
Will they tell me?
I hear them all giggling,
And I see their fuzzy silhouettes pointing,
At the weird girl in a bubble.
I’m all alone,
Will someone be my friend?
Will anyone talk to me?
Or will they just watch and laugh?
Please teach me how to look after they bubble.
I want to look at them all,
I want be human.
I want to prove them wrong.
I’m not the “sick, fragile person,”
That they all make me out to be.
I want them to see.
They will see me,
I am human too,
I can be human too,
Can I be human too?
(I like this // I think it can be interpreted as metaphorical and literal it’s cool but idk please tell me!)