The day you've been dreading has finally arrived....
It’s Happening
It’s happening
It’s finally here
They say I have nothing to fear
And yet my legs tremble
My tears burn my eyes
And I am still struggling
He told me I was pretty
And sweet
Told me I was unique
I believed him
I needed him
And then he pinned me to a wall
I know I said no
Know I protested
Yet I’m still being questioned
While he sits there
Waiting for the verdict
And still thinking he did nothing wrong
The jury came back
Their eyes on me
Expressions of sorrow and grief
They thought he was guilty
But it doesn’t fix me
Why did I think it would fix me?
He’ll go to jail
I’ll still be in hell
Hearing him whisper not to tell
His breath hot on my neck
While I try to forget -
What happened