©2019 vimark

Write a story or poem using the image above as inspiration.
The beginning of the end
They were initially created to help reduce the strain on humans in dangerous jobs such as meteorite mining and and planet exploration.
Having the opportunity of being a multi-planetary species lead to a huge drive in talent and monetary investment being throttled into new companies that could fill the new American Dream of living in space.
The goal was lofty but now people knew it was not only possible but also affordable, being on Earth seemed so basic and 25th century. People were always saying the speed of innovation kept accelerating but this new era made everything else disappear in comparison. New companies could be started, a success and a massive failure in a matter of months.
Hundreds of years ago, the legendary Captain Musk warned about this as a potential outcome of the success he had made possible but little did he know it would become way worse than even he could imagine.
Things were incredible over the last two hundreds years and I’m glad I got to experience it all. New worlds were terraformed, new species were organically created and universal peace looked like it could just be around the corner.
If anything was to derail progress I think people would have expected it to be those bloody Cryptonions who believed they were the perfect species.
Red Origin, the company behind the creation of the machines that turned them into the most valuable company in the Universe, managed to bring the universe down to its knees with the same machine.
I don’t think anyone really knows what brought it on but most of the tales think it had something to do with some kind of hacking agency that just managed to probe a few levels deeper than they should have. No-one really has any clue but how else does an ‘unhackable robot’ suddenly become hackable? Haha.
Regulators couldn’t stop it, they’d become redundant years ago so every company could say whatever they wanted in their marketing and all consumers would just take it for what it was. ‘Unhackable’, haha!
It does crack me up that the smartest people alive can drive things forward but it’s the dumbest people really have the most impact. All it took was years of planning, enough corruption at the high levels of Red Origin, the cash flow handed to me by my disgustingly success step-father and one word in a marketing campaign, ‘Unhackable’. God that never gets old.
It wasn’t even that hard.