Loss To Heartache

There was a time of my young life, where I would spin my nights reminiscing heartaches. Society says, you’re supposed ta be a man and not care. But I’m not a rock hard soulless robot. I am a human being who has emotions and is very much so sensitive sometimes. Most men wouldn’t admit that shit; but can yu blame em? Hell no cuz we are put in a box of toughness, emotionless, just straight up pure masculinity.

Real men cry when they feel broken

Real men cry when they’re soft spoken and feel they don’t have a voice

Real men cry when they’ve fell in love but It didn’t work cuz their partner didn’t think it would

Now y’all know when I talk about stuff like this I don’t just talk about myself. Even it is supposed ta be a poem based upon me. But I know there are men out there that feel like people will judge for havin emotions. And I am hear ta tell it is okay ta be vulnerable and you are not alone when it comes to fighting with your emotions. It is healing when you let the tears. But if yu try ta hide em, ur pride will infect yu.

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