Submitted by Elowyn Abernathy

Write an ode, but make it sarcastic.

An ode is a poem that normally focuses on a subject in a positive and glorifying light. Think about how you'll make the tone obviously sarcastic.


Oh, how glorious it is.

Such nourishing for young minds, hail the system and it’s time.

Six hours a day of pure knowledge. What more could you ask for as an aspiring child?

Bright floresent lights to keep your mind wide. Words being writing and erased in short time.

Oh, how much I’ve always wanted to know of the acute triangles, for when I become a librarian in the future. Such topic prevokes my creativity and will to learn so much new.

Praise the monochrome textbooks, the black and white diagrams so. It gives me an unexplainable joy, looking through the words and rows.

Letters in red ink, helping my journey. Oh, what a way to spend my youth. I always wanted such anxiety to fuel, to teach me while I’m young how to worry.

I will be sure to savor these lovely days. Whenever I think of childhood, glorious memories of graphite and white slates shall appear. I’ve always wanted to live my life in a chair watching the world steer past. That’s just the way the world works, my dear.

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