Lyrical Armageddon

Things come to me at night. Some of my best songs came to me in a dream, literally. I dreamed up the name of my band (“Hot Wave”), and I’ve dreamed up solutions to issues I’m having. For example, I dreamed about the best way to install a hair dryer/curler thing on the wall, or should I say ceiling, of my bathroom. Might not sound like a big deal but there’s hardly any room in there. Me and my roommate have pretty much used up every inch of space. But I dreamed that I was installing this crazy complicated device, and when I woke up I literally said, “Brilliant!” Okay, so I haven’t actually installed anything yet, but one day I’ll get my shit together and do it.

When my grandpa died -the day after, actually - I dreamed that he and I were sitting on a park bench, feeding pigeons, and talking. I remember the whole conversation, and it was basically him telling me that I’m smart and kind and can do good things in the world, and that he misses everyone but it’s not so bad moving on. We talked and sat for a long time, and then he stood up and kissed me on the head, and turned into a pigeon and flew off. Woke up crying with that one.

All of those dreams were pretty cool, but the weirdest thing happened to me last night, and I’m not so sure it’s cool.

I dreamed these symbols, like really specific symbols. I wrote them down the second I woke up. It’s about a dozen little scribbles, and I know exactly what each of them means, and what to call them. Like see this little spiral with a lightning bolt at the bottom? HARAGUPSHNA Yeah, I know, but that’s what it’s called. It symbolizes birth, like the birth of a human or other living being, or the introduction of something new into the world.

And how about this one. MALDOBOCTL. Sounds just like it looks. LOL yeah right, it’s not actually pronounced even close to the way it looks. I’m not going to help you with the pronunciation right now. But it means conflict, war, anger. It has a real bad feeling to it. Like, I feel yucky even telling you about it.

I don’t know how else to explain it, but when I looked at all these squiggles, seeing them in a certain order, it spoke to me. I knew exactly what it meant. That is the cool part, I guess. How crazy to suddenly understand a different language. Whether I made it up or not, who knows. But I’m telling you, it feels like it’s actually a THING.

Only problem is the message it was giving me. It was saying that the world is basically on the verge of an apocalypse. I know, but listen. It will be good versus evil, lots of people will die, it’s going to be horrible, blah blah blah. And out of it will come a new leader, who is real mean, apparently. Maybe even a monster. Closer to a demon, according to the symbol, RUNGOULIION. I mean, it’s a little oval with horns sticking out the top of it. You tell me.

Let’s hope this was just a crazy made-up dream language. It probably is. I’m sure it is. I’m actually going to use it for my next song. Because the lyrics are amazing, end-of-the-world or not. You know what, I think I’ll call it “Armageddon.”

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