by Louisa Wilhelm @ artstation

Write a story, poem, or descriptive paragraph inspired by this setting.

Hopeful Flight Among The Stars

“Over the hill and past the second moon, that is where I will wait for you.” He promised me before the clock struck noon.

“I can’t-“ I began but was stopped by his glistening eyes.

“Don’t tell me when or what you can’t do. Don’t promise me that it’s just us two. Look out on the horizon, where I have shared, and know that I will be there.”

His words were strings of elegant pearls. I wanted to flaunt them on my chest for everyone to see. But words were meaningless without action. I couldn’t leave or follow his sayings, no matter how much my heart tried to change my mind.

One night in the beauty of this man’s words wouldn’t hurt too much, would it?

I know my thoughts are sugar cubes laced with arsenic, much like the actions of the man. He’s no stranger to me. I’ve known him for years, but my life has never been the one to follow it’s emotions.

“You’ll wait for me?” My words hung on the cold air with hope of a promise. Any form of connection with the moment would be enough for me to agree to the plan.

“If you lay down with your fears, yes.” A simple, but complicated answer. I shouldn’t have expected anything different from the ranger of the stars.

Tonight would be my last night on planet Aernox. Tonight would be the last time I have of a pre-made fate. After that clock in the sky strikes midnight, I would be free from the shackles of my own creation.

“Okay.” I agreed without a seconds thought.

“Alright,” he said then turned to ride off into the night.

I used to believe I would have that chance to ride off into the endless land. That I could feel the wind welcome me to a home I’ve never been to. It hasn’t happened, but it will tomorrow when I leave.

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