Submitted by Amelia Vanderwalt

A group of teenagers stumble upon something they shouldn't have...

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Revelation (based on a roleplay,,)

The two young men slowly stepped back on what they found. Watching the VHS tapes play on the tv. For a while, they didn’t know what was in the strange costume that chased them, the costume very similar to the suit used in the 1954 Godzilla film…but they found out.

There was a man.

But all trace was gone.

One of the young men, Toya Aoyagi, covered his mouth in shock and disgust. “God…” he mumbled out, refusing to believe the information struck in front of him. The other man, Isaac, stared wide eyed. He was the one that found the tapes in the beginning. He wanted answers, and this was his chance. But at what cost? The cost of his sanity?

“Whatever’s chasing you- that used to be a man, Isaac-“ Toya’s voice raised, the tone of worry. “I knew there was something off, but not THIS.” He continued. Isaac was dead silent, still staring at the contents of information on screen. The tape ended, the screen going dark as the tape ejected. Silence filled the room. They don’t have enough words to describe it.

“If it was all the way in 1954- how the hell is he even still alive?” Toya questioned. He knew Isaac wouldn’t have the answer. It was something up in the air. Isaac started pacing a little, it was what he did to avoid panicking a lot. It helped him try to sort things out in his head, to find words. To speak. “There has to be other tapes.”


“There has to be others.” Isaac spoke. Toya looked over to him, Isaac stopping his pacing around. “He..He said there were others. Other people. Other people that he infected. There’s more. There has to be more- someone documented all of this. We’re not the first.” He said to Toya, Toya’s eyes now also widened. “This is insane…” He replied, looking away from Isaac. This whole time he thought they were the only ones dealing with this..thing. Now finding out they weren’t?

And who knew if the one responsible for the tapes was even still alive?

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