You wake up with a sketchbook next to you, coordinates scrawled onto its ivory pages... and this is not your house.
Continue the story...
I love you, come find me
I sit at the end of your bed,
you have already left,
but you gifted me your journal,
with your next clue.
It reads ‘i love you, come find me’,
with some coordinates,
and your name signed too.
I leave your apartment,
and drive to your new secret place,
It’s a bench by the coast,
with a note tied to it- a new chase.
The note reads:
‘past the sandy cove,
your lover lies,
with a (hastily prepared) picnic,
and a secret suprise’
It doesnt take me long,
to find you and your feast.
We finish our picnic,
“So whats the secret treat”
I ask as you smile,
and you retrieve a box.
Inside there is a neclace,
Engraved with ‘E+J’,
and ‘I love you’ on the back.
I’m sure that this love will bring me bliss till the end of my days.