Dumb Love

ā€œAre you in?ā€

ā€œI am so in.ā€

The boy, Will grabs the end of the pool cue and they begin to walk through the halls of the hospital together. Almost like theyā€™re holding hands.

I look down at mine and Annaā€™s hands. I consider reaching out and grabbing hers. No. I try to snap myself out of it. Sheā€™s my best friend.

I look back up at the screen. I still canā€™t believe I agreed to watch this dumb cheesy romance, butā€¦ it IS kinda cute. Like Anna. God, I have a one track mind. I think about her all of the time. But how do I know she feels the same way? I mean we practically hang out every day. She means so much to me. Of course I like her. I mean, hell, I love her. And not in a cheesy romantic scary way, in a ā€˜Iā€™ve known you forever and you are literally the most important person in the world to me and I would do anything for you.ā€™ Kind of way. Like, whether weā€™re friends or more. Like I just want to be around her and watch her be everything Iā€™ve come to love.

Lost in my thoughtsā€”my thoughts of herā€”I donā€™t even realize when I reach my hand out towards hers. I donā€™t comprehend it until Iā€™ve laced my fingers through hers and iā€™m watching a soft smile stretch across her face. Until Iā€™m watching her try to hide itā€¦ and fail.

Until Iā€™m watching us fall in love.

The End


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