Submitted by Lockitt Mobby

Write a scene where a superhero must reveal their true identity to someone they care for.


She smiled shyly. It was a fairytale romance. Except for the small fact that Jessie, her beau, remained blissfully unaware of the magical components.

A deep sleeper, Jessie did not stir as Bella snuck out the flat in the early hours each night, a piercing alarm in her ear alerting her to danger in the city outside.

Bella followed the map in her brain to the latest alert, shifting briskly across the sprawling rooftops. She perched on a fire escape quietly, surveying the situation below. A group of drunk men stood taunting, encircling a girl on her way through the alleyway. When would things change, she started to reflect. A shriek below startled her into action. Reflections would have to wait.

She leapt down, grabbing a metal pole laying next to a stinking, overflowing bin. Three swift blows rendered the men unconscious.

" ready to get out of here?" she turned to the girl.

She was lost for words as Jessie's scared brown eyes looked back at her.

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