The bog squelched around her worn hiking boots. So much for a nice walk, she chuckled tø herself quietly.
Still, the sun was shining, the birds were singing. It was good to be out.
Secretly, she loved these marshlands. The stillness made her head quiet - at least so some extent.
Occasionally, she would meet a little used gate, pushing it open stubbornly. They would creak back at her, soft disgruntled moans questioning why she dared move them from their settled spots.
She never bumped into fellow ramblers on these walks. Too muddy, probably. She laughed, thinking about the state her dog used to get in on their morning excersions.
Taking yet another creepy gate, she was met by a deep puddle. Too far to turn back, she decided to use her tried and tested method of pushing off the bank and jumped across.
Her foot slipped as she pushed off. “Shit!“ The crunch of a breaking branch beneath the surface. Mud soaked her boots. Cold stagnant bog water seeped over the top of her boots drenching her socks.
Glancing down to survey her feet, her mind quickly shifted from the mud. A bone stuck out of the puddle. A decidedly human looking tibia.
Beneath blue skies, Men stormed the village.
The sun warmed the rich earth beneath As they shot them as they raised their hands in surrender.
There were no clouds in the sky As screams rang out through the quiet streets.
Blood seeped into the soil. The sun grew weary of seeing men squander its light.
She watches below.
Neat rows of cars queue in perperdical lines.
An orderly queue of passengers wait to board their trains.
Trains depart at precise intervals towards the skyscrapers housing the financial district.
Uniform roads divide uniform clusters of flats, shops and offices.
On the horizon, a snowy mountain top pushes through the smog.
A reminder to those that reside of what lies beyond.
She gets up, ready to wonder along the winding path towards her new home, a small house nestled in the cliffside.
She does not miss a life of straight lines.
Rustles echo through the dense forest. And one by one, a sea of deep red flowers emerge, illuminated by the full moon.
The petals are round, with deep purple veins lacing through each. The stamen holding the rare nectar protrude, thin and tall.
Below each flower is a thick nest of fuzzy dark green leaves. Dark dots adorn each one - a warning from nature.
A gust of wind weaves through the forest, and the sea of flowers gently ripple.
And slowly, the sun begins to rise. And one by one, the flowers recede. Ready to rest, until the next full moon.
Wherever there is the light, The flowers will find it.
Wherever flowers bloom, Bees will delight on the rich nectar within.
Wherever thick trunks stand tall, Rich mosses will spread across their roots.
Wherever leaves form piles of reds, orange and yellow, Networks of fungi will spring up.
Wherever there is you, There is me.
The heavy iron door screatched open, and a metal tray slid across the dirty floor towards her.
She made a mental note. 8.15 am. At least they were consistent. Just a few more days until she would make her escape.
Until then… Ugh. She chewed on the dry bread roll which rattled around the tray.
A sharp noise vibrated through the fortress. 9am. The changing of the guards. She hated those lava-eyed dragons, with their razor sharp talons. She thought back to their capture, shuddering. She would need to plan a funeral when she made it out. If she made it.
Today she plotted her escape route. Left, right at the end of the corridor, down the stairs, through the basement, and out of the window. Then, run.
Weapons? Check. Well, if a whittled down bone she found in yesterday's dinner counted.
Water? Che--- BANG.
A loud explosion. Smoke. Dust. Shouting. Light where the ceiling had just been moments before.
She heard the beating of a dragon’s wings. Her heart her chest.
" Jump on NOW! ". She squinted through the Debra’s at a figureatop a lava-eyed beast?
Could that really be... Her?
The space between stars is vast. Ethereal.
The brightest stars, surrounded by a complete absence of light.
Complete silence. As if time had stopped still.
Every so often, a comet whizzes by, breaking the stillness. Chunks of grey rock hurtle through the dark abyss.
And then again there is silence.
To say that I was surprised to be warmly welcomed through the gates of Hell by two gorgeous drag queens, clad head to toe in red PVC, was somewhat of an understatement. The blonde, chuckling gently at my perplexed expression, handed me what appeared to be a Bloody Mary.
I scanned around my surroundings, taking in the ornate black marble walls, chandeliers twinkling. Other newcomers mingled around the extravagant black columns around the hall.
The thumping of house music in the distance shook the floors gently.
A young guy in a rhinestone studded flatcap winked at me, his dark brown eyes outlined by a thick layer of black kohl. He approached, smiling. ‘ New to our fiery home?’, he asked.
I nodded, meekly.
' Welcome talk starts in 10,’ he gestured to neat rows of gold and red chairs. I wondered over, taking a seat.
A handsome guy with a head of chestnut brown curls in the row in front turned around.
" I can't believe those religious zealots were right. Damn you, mum." “ so is everyone here…” “gay?” He chuckled. “Yes”.
Strobing lights and music accompanied the welcome video now shining on the wall.
‘One key rule to hell’, it rang out. ‘Every day is a party!”
Confetti cannons shot out drinks tokens as Charlie XCX adorned the speakers.
A lifetime of stressing about hell, and itappeared to be a non stop party, I smiled to myself. I think I might quite like it here.
She smiled shyly. It was a fairytale romance. Except for the small fact that Jessie, her beau, remained blissfully unaware of the magical components.
A deep sleeper, Jessie did not stir as Bella snuck out the flat in the early hours each night, a piercing alarm in her ear alerting her to danger in the city outside.
Bella followed the map in her brain to the latest alert, shifting briskly across the sprawling rooftops. She perched on a fire escape quietly, surveying the situation below. A group of drunk men stood taunting, encircling a girl on her way through the alleyway. When would things change, she started to reflect. A shriek below startled her into action. Reflections would have to wait.
She leapt down, grabbing a metal pole laying next to a stinking, overflowing bin. Three swift blows rendered the men unconscious.
" ready to get out of here?" she turned to the girl. She was lost for words as Jessie's scared brown eyes looked back at her.
" Fuck! " I cried out. “Fuck!” Fuck.
I don't know who I was yelling to; the pines merely rustled in response.
I laughed. Go out for a paddle, I thought. Get out into nature on this crisp autumn morning, I had told myself.
And here I was, desperately paddling down a river, pursued by a huge brown bear.
Too busy admiring the rich autumn hues, I had failed to notice the strong animal at the side of the river. But it had noticed me.
And now I was fucked.
The river widened, becoming shallow. The bear hastened. at least it was an eventful way to go, I chuckled to myself morbidly.
A split second decision. I paddled quickly, hurtling myself down a steep bank towards an offshoot of the river. Spray hit my face, as I joined the swirling rapids. I looked back at the bear, who snarled exasperatedly, and turned around.
“Fuck,” I laughed to myself. it would certainly be a good story for the lads at the pub later.