Submitted by Margaret Sok
Did I cross the line...?
Write a poem or short story about a character going too far.
Where did I cross the line?
I miss the days
Of splashing in puddles
And playing with dolls
I miss the times
When you and I could love
Without hesitations
I miss the days of being together
Without a second thought
I miss you
and I miss us
When did we fall apart?
I miss the days of Holding hands
Of quick cheek pecks
and of side hugs
I miss you inviting me to prom
and making out for the first time
I long to relive your proposal
and our wedding day
I wish to see again your tears
when I told you I was pregnant
But as you stare at me teary eyed
Chained to the pipes in my celler
I wonder…. Where did I cross the line?