Inspired by Bri loves apples
The voices in your head are keeping a secret from you...
Write a story or scene about a character who suspects the voices they hear are keeping a secret from them.
Who Are You ?
It all started about two weeks ago, the voices in my head.They first began as simple one word whispers, nothing audibly clear. Then they grew to sentences. Each one is different, but they’re definitely not mine.
Nothing they ever say makes any sense, at least not to me they do.
One morning one voice woke me from my 15 minute sleep and said, “Don’t trust the voice that speaks of fire, they’re only trying to hurt you.”
That same night another voice said, “Don’t trust the voice that warns you about me. I’m the only one who is trying to protect you. “
The voices only got more intense from then on out. They never stopped for more than an hour a day, leaving me to only get about 15 minutes of sleep each night. You’d think I would have lost my mind by now but I’ve managed to stay strong.
Then one morning a new voice emerged from the deepest darkest part of my mind and revealed to me a secret the other voices seemed to have been keeping from me. Only it didn’t speak to me in my head, it called me on the phone.
It rang only once before I picked up the receiver to hear a slow breath.
“Who is this!,” I demanded into the phone.
The voice simply replied, “The only one who knows your mind better than you.”