“To my darling forever love,
It has been what feels like an eternity since we’ve seen each other. The memory of our time together burns not only in my mind but in my soul as well. It’s been too long.
My love, I am writing to you in hopes that you will reconsider my invitation and please return to me. I need you back in my life more than you need me. Your breath alone is tantalizing to me, it makes me hungry. I’m requesting to be yours forever , if you’ll have me again. I’m very sorry for how our last meeting ended. I didn’t mean to scare you. I meant to tell you in a nice way that I was a vampire. But sometimes my fangs betray me and introduce themselves first. Please do reconsider. I miss you so, and I promise not to drain you of your blood.”
With Love,
I gave you everything I had in order to gain your trust You told me that it will be alright that it was a must I ate all the lies you fed me right down to the crust This whole “finding a prince thing” was most certainly a bust Now I’m stuck with the vampire who turned my heart to rust The dating world “literally”sucks who’s left to trust ?
I heard them in the morning as I brushed my hair I heard them in the afternoon as I ate my pear I heard them just before taking a step on that final stair I heard them even louder which gave me a scare I heard them just before I fell and hit my head on a chair I heard them once more before feeling a cold chill in the air As the blood began to soak my hair Final whispers wandered away without care
The blood stained walls and shrieking rooms have never been more pronounced as they are now. Eleanor knew right then and there this was no longer what she thought it was. The uneven floorboards are caked and soaked in what Eleanor can only hope is fake blood. She tries desperately to get to the front door and escape before they notice.This was her one shot at surviving. What Eleanor thought what was to be the most epic Halloween theme party she’d ever attend. Ended up being a human feast party for the lost souls of the underworld.
She looked back down at the life and world she knew and said,“But they need me“.
To which he replied back,“They may need you , but they may not want you “.
She looked back down to take one last glance at the only life she knew. The further up they flew, the more uneven everything began to look. She allowed herself one final glance and knew that without her presence down there, it would be an epic lost. She flew up once more and never looked back.
She’s always alone in her thoughts. Which is quite possibly the most dangerous place anyone can be, including herself. If you thought the world was a dark and scary place, you’ve obviously never met her. Her uneven magic is a bad mixture of fire and ice. She can create worlds of epic proportions that leave you desperate to escape. So whatever you do,take my advice. Never mess with the witch when she’s alone in thought. For you will find yourself lost forever in her tortured mind.
“ Good morning to you all. Today I stand before you not just as your queen but as a fellow commoner. Someone that you can trust no matter the title. I want you to hear it from me first, the one you chose to be your faithful queen. This decision was not easy, but it’s one that I feel will serve the colony better. Today I have made the untimely decision to abdicate and renounce the throne. I know this comes as a shock as we are close to hibernation season. But hear me when I say that I will leave you in good hands no matter what. My last duty will be to make sure you have a successful hibernation season. With that being said, it has been an honor to serve you as Queen, but I feel my time here is done. To my fellow commanding ant queens, I bid you good luck in your future monarchy and in leading this ant colony to a successful hibernation season.Thank you.
It has been my pleasure and an honor.
Just one of Your Queens “
Floating along the uneven sidewalk leading to the house,the excitement begins to make me glow. Just a few cracked steps and I’m at the giant iron gate.It’s so withered and rusty I’m able to get through. My excitement can’t contain itself as soon as I enter the property.The dead dried up grass and twisted tree corpses are just so welcoming it makes me feel alive again. The house is more breathtaking than I could ever imagine. If I could,I’d write an epic just for it, describing its haunting beauty.This lost ghost just found their forever haunted home.
Walking to work one day I began to stare into the skies When all of a sudden it begins to fracture in front of my eyes How can this be? What caused this dismay? Perhaps it was my fault, maybe I’m to blame? It could have been the hundreds of photos I took Or maybe it was meant to happen like in a book Whatever it may be Please do not blame me For I took a picture of the sky today And made it go away
You never asked, but the monster you try to hide No matter what you do , it still lurks inside You never asked, but I know how scared you truly are Take it from me, I have the same scar You never asked, but we’re the same kind of Monster you and I I can help guide you through, so don’t cry You never asked, but it’s nice having another monster around It means I can put the blame on you if we get found You never asked, but I never said I’d play nice