Dying By His Words

My breathing begins to waver; short and disturbed.

I try to gulp down air, but I can’t seem to breathe enough.

I grab my neck, trying to force it to inhale air.

_I need air. _

“Please,” I beg my body, “please don’t give up.”

My cheeks are wet with rolling tears.

I can’t see beyond blurred visions.

My chest, it hurts too much.

My heart is beating so hard, as if it wants to beat out of my chest.

Is my body trying to kill me?

Did his words really hurt that much?

_I don’t want you _

_You’re nothing _

_I don’t care about your suffering_

His piercing words strike me over and over again, replaying on a loop.

“Make it stop,” I whisper. “Oh, please stop.” I fall.

I feel as though I am dying.

Can one die simply by words?

Maybe I will be the first.

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