
7:00 PM, Home alone, and locked in my room. I open my old laptop that I found in the dumpster and fixed myself. Log in with the same username and password I’ve been sticking with for years.

Username: Urgurl_Em

Password: sadieD_123!

I log into findthem.com, a website I stummbled upon about a year ago while trying to find Sadie’s TikTok.

Once I’m on the website, I immediately drag the mouse to the search bar; Sadie Duncan is what I typed. Aggressively clicking on the search button, hoping to find something, anything that indicates she’s close to me.

God, I love her so much. Her long wavy auburn hair, her vibrant green eyes, the way her tomboyish-clothes fit on her slim hourglass figure. And her music is perfection. She is perfection. But she isn’t mine.

I scowl at that thought, she HAS to be mine. My attention immediately shifts back to the computer once I see her beautiful picture on the screen. I scroll down, only to see exactly what I saw last night: Sadie Duncan recently spotted walking with her boyfriend in Chicago, Illinois. I refresh the page. Nothing. Refresh again. Nothing. I start to get irritated. Refresh. I impatiently keep refreshing the page again, muttering curse words as no new information is being displayed from the snail-like computer. Refresh. Nothing. Refresh. Nothi- Oh wait: Sadie Duncan spotted at Starbucks on 4202 E Washington Avenue in Madison, Wisconsin. That’s not too far from the house! YES! I sprint down the stairs, almost tripping and falling. I grab my phone, my keys, get my boots on, and I’m out the door.

I get into my parents car, slam the door, and jam the car keys into the keyhole. I haven’t gotten my license; only my permit. But it’ll be fine. I’ve basically passed all of my tests.

I grin at the thought of meeting Sadie in person. I hope her ugly-ass boyfriend isn’t with her right now. Words can’t describe how much I despise that man. Sadie should be with ME, not that lame excuse for a partner. What does he have that I don’t? I’m closer to her age, I would love her no matter what. I start to make a mental list of why I would be 100 times better for her. Sometimes I fantasize of her boyfriend being dead. Then I would be there to comfort her. Be there for her whenever she needs it. Then she would gradually catch feelings for me. Yes, it’s too perfect.

I park the car in the Starbucks parking lot and rush to the door. I spot a glimpse of Sadie’s long, wavy, auburn hair. I notice that she’s alone and my heart is beating out of my chest; I’m about to meet THE Sadie Duncan!

I walk up to the counter to order, pretending not to notice Sadie.

“Hello! What can I get for you today,” the employee politely asks.

“A tall Iced Tea Chai Latte with oatmilk, 1 pump of brown sugar, 1 pump of cinnamon caramel, and cinnamon sweet cold foam please,” I respond. I smirk at the thought of me memorizing Sadie’s signature drink.

I pay for the drink and wait. I decide that this is a good time to approach her.

“Oh my god, are you Sadie Duncan?” I ask, pretending to be oblivious to the fact that I already knew who she was.

She looks up at me, “Oh, um, yes. Hi”.

I try to play it cool, “Hi, oh my god, I love your music. I just listened to your new single; it’s amazing.”

“Thank you so much, that’s one of my favorite songs I’ve written,” she smiles.

Oh. My. Fucking. God. She smiled. At ME. SHE SMILED AT ME!

“ORDER FOR EMMALINE!” I hear the employee announce.

“Oh, uh, wait one second please,” I say as I retrieve my drink.

I walk back to the table, “Do you mind if I sit here?” I ask, pointing to the empty chair across from her.

“Not at all,” she responds.

We start talking. Not just about her and her music and how incredibly gorgeous she is, but we’re conversating like how friends would.

“I should get going,” she says, “I have to meet my boyfriend for a date”.

I get irritated at the mention of him. “Oh, um, can I get your number?” I ask awkwardly.

“Absolutely,” she says, “I can definitely see us being close friends in the future.”

I smile at that, knowing deep down it’ll turn into more than friends within time. I hand her my phone and she puts her number in.

“Thank you so much,” I exclaim.

“No problem, “she responds, “I’m excited to talk to you later. Well, I should get going. I shouldn’t keep Jerald waiting. Bye-bye!”

“Bye!” I mutter, awkwardly waving as she walks out the door.

I sit at the table, sipping my drink, and processing what just happened. I talked to THE Sadie Duncan, and I got her number. My life is unreal.

But her boyfriend, Jerald, I think she said. In order for my dreams to be fulfilled, he needs to be gone. I guess if you want something done, you need to do it yourself anyway.

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