Innocent again

“She is gorgeous…” said Jon to himself while pretending to casually read some old contract. In fact, she was the most attractive woman he had ever seen. Big blue angelic eyes, long curled hair and this sweet innocent smile, as if Jon’s hottest fantasy simply decided to turn real and…

-Alright, so you’re here for the…


“Not too bright…but hey, that’s how you get them when you work with wannabe superstars” he bitterly smiled.

-Where are you from, again?

-Ummm…I…travel. A lot!

-Right. Your age? For the contract…

-I…you know, I…

-Alright darling, I’ll just write 21 and we’ll be just fine.

“Another underage girl looking for wrong things in wrong places” Jon thought almost hating the fact that he felt so attracted to her.

-Can I ask you something, Sir? she said timidly, which made his heart almost jump in anticipation.

-Sure, dear.

-Do you have any regrets?

“Now that’s weird. These girl are broken, that’s for sure. Too bad she’s so pretty…”

-About this work, you mean? Well, it isn’t exactly the kind of job that…hmmm…well, family and being a star are not such a happy match…

-You can’t fall in love you mean?

He started to laugh.

-Honey, I never even wanted to. Maybe when I was young, much younger than you, and I was still believing in fairytales.

-So love belongs to innocence? she asked almost sad.

-Look, why don’t we discuss the terms…

-I can take you back there! Back to the place and time where falling in love was as easy as breathing. You could be innocent again. But you have to allow me…

He realized he’s nervous. The whole meeting was bizarre and he suddenly felt so tired of all this.

Before saying anything, she delicately placed her palm on his chest. Upon his heart.

-Wait, what the hell…

The warmth inside him was heavenly and, even if his rational mind fought it, his resistance melted and he found himself feeling…breathing…crying…

He never knew how long it has passed, but when she let go of his hand, his heart started to hurt as if it was breaking.

-Time to go…Jon.

-Please…I’ve never met anyone like you before…

-You should be grateful for that! said Death cruelly laughing.

A heart attack they said. This disorganized lifestyle, too much pressure, always running for the win, they said. No one cried.

From above, Death innocently smiled, searching for the next one.

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