Submitted by M N Smart
Write a poem or story from the perspective of a wedding ring.
I have seen
I have seen the glorious
Her face light up tears streaming,
silent in love as I take my place
His eyes bright, trying to hold back
But ending up crying as he places me.
I have seen the mundane,
Sitting on the side of that metal cascade
Watching them wash, and cook and clean
The way they move like they’re one being
Because they are.
I have seen the shameful
The fights, silent indifference
The things that come to kill love
But make it seem like the other is the culprit
Leaving their eyes on me in that unsettling way
Where for the first time I’m afraid of sitting on the side
I have seen the painful..
Loss, betrayal. The frailty of the human heart
Now, just another cascade longing to be filled
Fulfilled by any counterfeit available
But it never works.
I still see Hope resembling my shimmer
Dimmer in their eyes but worth the yes
His love cannot be killed lost or broken
He was.. all the above
He paid it all to redeem humanity and reintroduce then with real love.
A demonstration of how he never leaves, never gets tired, is always knocking, looking for his beloved, even when she is broken, when she wants to hide he imperfections.
When I rest on their fingers lifted high to him. I know I’m safe.