‘All in a golden afternoon, under the skies of cloudless blue.’

Write a poem that begins or ends with this line, adapted from Alice in Wonderland. Don’t feel limited to the themes and images of the book – see where else you could go from these words.

A World Away

All in a golden afternoon, under the skies of cloudless blue a girl sat wondering when her life what start anew. She looked at her life and wondered how did this become her she had hopes and dreams so different then this life that she leads. Some one with all the responsibilities on her shoulders and if she faulters no one would be there to hold her. The blue sky’s turn a little darker when she thinks of how much farther she needs to go until she can rest. How much time mistakes be waisted when she thinks she tries her best. 2 faces in the mist 2 precious innocent souls. That bear the life with her. That doesn’t fault her for the holes. To them she is perfect just as perfect as can be. And with the strength of a million they help her feel glee. These perfect little angels that know nothing more then love help the girl when her life feels heavy like a gift from above a poem started with despair and ends with hope, a little love and care she will over come this too because she realizes her dreams have came true

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