Write a story or scene that takes place in a treehouse.

This doesn't have to be a children's treehouse, but if you haven't tried writing from a child's perspective before then give it a go!

Tree House ( Week In The Country)

WARNING: Mild violence and scary content not recommended for young children and people with delicate or fragile dispositions viewer discretion is advised.

“Are we nearly there?” Draya asked me yet again.

“Almost, really angel I have never heard you complain so much before.”

“Sorry but my hair keeps getting caught on branches and I swear I have a rock or something in my boot and I never liked bugs I mean yeah the mosquitoes don’t bite me anymore but that doesn’t stop them from bussing around me.”

“Well if you had tied your hair back or put it in braids like me you wouldn’t keep getting it caught and I did try to tell you to wear bug spray but as I said we are nearly there.” and as I said it, it came into sight, the enormous looming tree the silhouette of a square structure sitting high atop the thicker branches. Boards nailed into the side was one means of getting to the tree house. Most of the thin boards had pretty much been reclaimed by nature. The only other way up was a rope ladder hanging down from the trapdoor on the bottom. “Come on” I said running the rest of the way up to the tree and began making my way up the rope ladder, finding it much more difficult than I remembered it being as a kid but managing it all the same, pushing the trapdoor open and entering the tree house. Sunlight filtered through several cracks between the boards. I pull myself the rest of the way in and begin opening up the windows which were shuttered by pieces of plywood, a layer of dust covered everything but most of the structure seemed to be intact, as well as the things inside consisting of a couple of old folding lawn chairs and an old plastic picnic table, the kind that folds up into itself and into a convenient carrying case, and a wooden trunk that housed sleeping bags, blankets and pillows. Hopefully no critters found their way inside making themselves at home, but as far as I could tell the place had mostly remained untouched for the past few years.

“So, this is the fort you kept going on about?” Draya said pulling herself up and into the tree house although I suspect that she scaled the side of the tree to reach the trap door.

“Not bad considering it was built by a bunch of elementary school kids. We were around maybe 7 when we started. Well ok my cousin was like 11 but he spent most of his childhood hiking around these woods. He helped out a lot. He was the one who picked out this big sturdy old tree. Three years later this is what we had. It was sort of our club house, base camp, fortress of solitude, whatever you wanted to call it. We spent a lot of time up here. Me and my friends and cousin. It seemed so much bigger then. We camped out in this old thing a few times.”

“How did that go?”

“Not bad. We would stay up most of the night telling ghost stories and used candles to make s’mores like they did in sandlot.”


“You know sandlot the movie.”

“Sorry I have never seen it.”

“Ok we are definitely adding that to the list of movies we are introducing you to.”

“Just tell me it’s better than who framed Roger rabbit.”

“Hey that is a good movie and you enjoyed it don’t lie.”

“It was more the company I enjoyed than the movie.”

“And the cuddles.”

Draya smiled at me “Of course I can never say no to you and cuddles.”

“It’s better than who framed Roger rabbit and a whole 3 minutes shorter too.”

“I don’t care as long as I still get cuddles.”

“For you always.” I said sitting down on the flat lid of the trunk with my back resting against the wall behind me. I noticed that Draya was staring at me, and I wasn’t sure I liked the way she was looking at me. “What are you thinking?”

“You’ll see” she said in a sly sultry tone as she sauntered over to me and straddled me on my lap her knees resting on the lid of the trunk lifting my chin slightly with a single finger and then leaned in and started kissing me I kissed back my hands moving to tangle in her hair. Her hands were on my hips then her hands slid up my sides coming to rest on my shoulders. Draya’s kisses became more hungry and rougher which had never happened before and I wasn’t sure I liked it. Her grip on my shoulders was becoming tighter almost painful and now I knew I definitely didn’t like this but with Draya’s mouth still pressing firmly against mine all I could do was whimper which had no effect whatsoever on Draya. Her mouth began to move from my lips to my jawline and when she reached my neck she bit me. Not hard enough to break the skin but definitely hard enough to hurt. “Draya stop...seriously this is way too rough…stop!” I pleaded my hands moving from her hair to push at her shoulders.

Draya let out a snarl that sounded more animal than human. She grabbed my hands and pinned them against the wall on each side slightly above my head as she continued to bite at my neck my fear spiked. “Draya please... you’re hurting and scaring me... please stop!” I said as I tried struggling a little but Draya didn’t seem too hear me and all the struggles did was make her pin my hands harder, then she reached the base of my neck and bit down hard. Horror griped me and I let out a shriek of both pain and utter terror. It was so loud that it caused birds in nearby trees to take flight. Suddenly Draya was no longer straddling me with my hands pinned. In fact; in the time it took me to blink she was standing with her back against the opposite wall facing me. The look on her face was a mixture of shocked horror and the deepest regret and shame. She was visibly trembling her gaze then seemed to zero in on where she had bitten me. My hand seems to automatically go to that spot. I wince in discomfort when my index finger makes contact. I pull it away and a small drop of blood is running down my finger in a small river. I look at Draya again and our eyes lock. “Darling … Princess I… I didn’t mean… you know I would never…" She couldn’t seem to form a full sentence. Her gaze went to the bite on my neck one more time then her gaze fell to the floor. “What have I done? I’m…Oh God I’m a monster.” she said her voice was soft and ashamed her legs seemed to refuse to hold her anymore and she crumpled to the floor curling in on herself and hiding her face in her hands with her back against the wall and her knees pulled up to her chest. After a couple moments Draya took her hands away from her face folded her arms and rested them atop her knees and for a moment I thought Draya might lift her head to look at me but that didn’t happen. She instead rested her forehead on her arms concealing her face from view. Moments passed where neither of us moved or spoke. Everything was very quiet and still except for Draya’s still trembling form. Even the forest around us seemed to fall into a state of suspended animation. Not a twig shaped, not even a breeze to rustle the leaves. I got up on shaking legs and slowly moved towards Draya approaching her the way I might do with a wounded wild animal. Finally I was right beside her close enough to touch her. I knelt beside her and reach out but before my fingertips could even make contact Draya shouted “Don’t!” I halted but only for a brief moment and continued to reach for her “I said Don’t!” Draya shouted again from behind her arms but I didn’t stop this time and I rested my hand on her quaking shoulder; she flinched slightly at the contact. I waited for a little while then spoke. “Draya look at me.”

She shook her head.

“Draya please look at me.”

She again shook her head.

“Draya angel please look at me.”

Draya ever so slowly lifted her head but she didn’t look at me; she just looked straight ahead so while keeping my one hand on her shoulder I used my other hand to gently grip Draya’s chin turning her head until she was facing me. Her face was wet and tear streaked and tears were still streaming down from her regret filled eyes creating many small rivers down her cheeks. Clearly tears of regret. Seeing them I knew in that moment that I would forgive my angel my Draya in fact I already had. I try to wipe the tears away only to have them replaced by fresh ones moments later.

I sighed “Don’t cry my angel.”

“How can you still call me that? I’m clearly no angel.”

“You are to me.”

“Then you are a fool…you should hate me.”

“I don’t; I never could.”

“You should though and stay far away after what I did.”

“It’s already been forgiven.”

“I don’t deserve it.”

“Draya don’t be like this you are acting like Edward Cullen.”

“Don’t you get it Sarah I could have killed you I lost control something not human took over and I don’t know what I was capable of doing in that moment it scares me what I did and could have done it makes me sick to my stomach even thinking about it.”

I knew it was serious when Draya used my name; because Draya never uses my name. It is always darling or princess but never my name. Never Sarah. So for her to use my name it must be serious. “Draya it’s ok we’ll get through this together.”

“Why aren’t you scared?”

“I am. Can’t you tell?”

Draya looked at me inquisitively for a few moments before her eyes widened in realization "My god you are your heart is pounding like a jackhammer and I can smell the adrenaline coursing through your body how are you resting the urge to run?”

“Adrenaline triggers a fight, flight or freeze response. I guess in this case it’s freeze, it’s the most logical response. You are too strong for me to fight, and you said so yourself our first night together, I could never run fast enough so I’m not left with many other options.”

“You could still run I wouldn’t even attempt to chase you.”

“Well, I have no intention of running.”

“You should. Most people know that you run from monsters like me.”

“Draya, I don’t think of you like that I mean look at yourself; monsters don’t crumple to the floor, monsters don’t cry, and monsters don’t feel remorse when they hurt people.”

“How do you know that these aren’t just crocodile tears?”

“Who do you think you’re kidding? It’s impossible; you can’t fake the regret I saw in your eyes and I know you and you’re not a monster, but you still scared me…hurt me and even though I am certain that you didn’t mean to and that you weren’t in control at the time it does raise some questions.”


"Could that happen again and if it did would you be able to stop yourself again?"

"I don't know… all happened so fast I don't know what triggered it or how to control it."

"Can I still trust you?"

"You shouldn't."

"Tell me things from your perspective."

"I was looking at you, you looked like a fairytale princess, fair and innocent. The sunlight filtering through the window accenting your features perfectly, it was almost like you were posing for a portrait. All I could think about was wanting to hold you and kiss you and when our lips met at first everything was normal, just another perfect kiss that I was sharing with you then suddenly I felt hyper aware of things. The close proximity of our bodies, the heat that seemed to radiate off of you, I could smell the salt of your sweat mingling with the sweet intoxicating scent of your blood coursing through you. I could even hear every beat of you heart beating in my head and then this hunger griped me. I only had a spit second to realize what was happening even tried to fight it but it was a losing battle and then all that was left was hunger. I could hear you speaking to me but words had lost all meaning the one penetrating thought was feed, feed, feed until it was the only action that was making any sense to me, so I gave in and bit you. Then you screamed and it was like hitting a brick wall and being doused in ice water at the same time. I came back to reality and rational thought returned. I became aware of what I was actually doing and so I just immediately put as much distance as this space would allow between us. I wanted to apologize but any and all words seemed hallow and empty I mean sorry doesn't even begin to cut it.”

“Maybe but it would have been better than nothing at all. Which is what you gave me. You wouldn’t even look at me.”

“I was afraid of what you might see me as now or maybe seeing the way you would look at me now. I don’t know what I would see when I looked at you…rejection or fear but not caring concern and forgiveness. In all honesty I don't see how you can forgive me because I will never be able to forgive myself. I don't deserve it to be honest; I mean I hurt you like physically hurt you and was capable of doing worse. I wouldn't blame you if you want to break up."

"At what point did I ever give you the impression that I wanted to break up? I just needed to know what it is we are up against. As I said before we’ll get through this together. You said something before about not knowing what triggered this; maybe if we can figure it out then we can stop it before it happens.”

“Darling…” Draya said sounding a little exasperated


“You astonish me. When most humans would run you don’t. When others would have left you choose to stay.”

“I told you once I have never met anyone like you before and I don’t mean because you are a vampire but because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me I don’t want to lose that or you.”

“What did I do…where did I go right to be blessed with someone like you?”

I smiled and felt heat rise in my cheeks but otherwise didn’t respond to the compliment.

I sighed “Okay let’s think about this; I don’t think kissing me was what triggered it because we have done far more than kiss before and never had any problems.”

“And I might add that during those times you are also wearing far less.”

“Draya be serious.”

“I am; more exposed skin equals more perspective feeding opportunities. Also our bodies are in far closer proximity than they were today too so I don’t think that was the trigger either.”

“Ok so what was different about this time?”

“Instinct maybe.”

“What do you mean?”

“I once heard this story about a little boy who was doing a school report on lions and they thought it would be a good idea if he could get some pictures of a real lion and there was a man who they knew of that had a pet lion. Well he said the boy could come and take some pictures of the lion so they went to the guys place and he brings out his big adult male African lion. The boy tries to get closer to get a good picture but his shoes were untied and he tripped this triggered the lion to attack.”

“Draya what does this story have to do with anything?”

“I m getting to that…anyway I think that when the boy tripped the lion saw him as pray because in the wild they target the weak injured and vulnerable. If they see an animal stumble and fall that is the one that they go for. Easy prey. I may not hunt anymore but when I did I looked for people who were alone and secluded. Having you here alone, just the two of us…maybe I was like the lion.”

“So you are thinking you’re old hunting habits and instincts just suddenly kicked in?”

“That’s basically the theory yes.”

“But why would it happen now? You’ve had me alone before why is this time different?”

“Well the fact that I haven’t fed in awhile might be a big part of it.”

“How long is awhile?”

“Two maybe three…” Draya trailed off


“More like weeks.”

“Three weeks without feeding?!”

“More like two weeks and four days.”

“Two and a half weeks! Draya going that long with out eating isn’t healthy even by human standards. I mean you must be starving.”

“Famished to be honest.”

“Why haven’t you been Feeding?”

“This is embarrassing but I wasn’t paying attention to how low my blood bag supply was getting and by the time I noticed I was down to my last bag so I contacted my usual supplier and ordered some more but it’s going to take awhile before they get here like another few days.”

“Couldn’t you have asked Celeste?”

“Yes, but she usually likes to save her supply for emergencies since she prefers to drink straight from the source and I don’t want to deplete her emergency supply and you know how I feel about compelling people.”

“I know but two and a half weeks I think that qualifies as an emergency.”

“I’ll be fine. I remember a time when feeding was very dangerous because I was being tracked by hunters. I had gone over a month on little to no blood”

“Still I don’t like that you aren’t taking care of yourself.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“When a kiss turns you into a horror movie character that’s not fine.”

“Thanks a lot.” she said sarcastically

“Brutal honesty is the best policy.”

“I am pretty sure that is not how that saying goes.”

“No but it best fits the situation but back to what I was saying before you need to take care of yourself and that means feeding.”

“While my supply is out what options do I have.”

“Well obviously while we’re out of town Celeste isn’t an option so I only see one option available.”

“I know that tone I’m not going to like what you are thinking am I?”

I chose to ignore her question “It seems like I’m the only option.”


“What other choice do you have?”

“To keep doing what I have been and be more careful.”

“And how is that working out for you?”

“Until recently just fine.”

“So in other words it’s not. Draya let me do this for you.”

“No princess, given recent events I don’t think it would be a wise decision.”

“Draya it’s fine. Seriously, I trust you and I give you my consent and everything.”

“It’s not about consent and I don’t trust myself. I already hurt you once today I don’t want to do that again like ever.”

“I have faith that you won’t.”

“Well I don’t and I’m not willing to take the risk of losing control again because I don’t know if I would stop this time.”

“I have a plan to stop you.”

“How? You said it yourself I am too strong for you to fight, and you could never run fast enough?”

I reached in to my jeans pocket pulling out a long leather cord attached to it was a round medallion the size of my palm. Embossed on the front was a crescent moon and a star which my friends and I think is supposed to represent the North Star but we don’t know for sure. “This belongs to Tracy, I have been meaning to return it to her, good thing I haven’t yet because this is how I would stop you.”

“What is it?” Draya asked peering at the medallion.

“It’s sliver.”

“Are you sure it’s silver and not white gold or stainless steel.”

“There’s one way I know to find out.” I said holding it out towards Draya.

Draya reached out a tentative hand and touched her middle finger to the medallion. There was a sizzling sound and Draya quickly withdrew her hand. “Yeah that’s silver alright.”

“Ok so you drink from me and if I think you’re losing it or feel like you’re taking too much then I could just use this to burn you…I mean do you think that would work if you lost control?”

“Yes it would work it would snap me out of it.”

“Okay then it’s settled.”

“No it’s not because I still don’t want to. I don’t want you to feel like you have to do this. Like you’re forced or obligated or something.”

“I’m not doing it because of that Draya. I care about you and I want to do this for you it’s my choice and I’m not really giving you any other choice because I will not change my mind so you might as well let me do this for you…it will be ok I know it will.”

Draya sighed in defeat. “Alright you win.”

“So how do we do this?”

“Come here and sit in my lap.” she said finally uncurling herself.

I willingly crawled into her lap.

“I think I will bite where I did before, if I use the bite that’s already there it should be less painful, you’ll feel a pinch like getting a tetanus shot but after that I promise it will feel good.”

I took a deep breath trying and failing to keep it from shaking.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Yes.” I said my response firm and strong.

“Okay.” she said. She moved my pigtail out of the way and I felt her warm breath on my neck and then I gasped when I felt her teeth sink in but within seconds any pain that was felt was gone along with anything else bad. Any sadness or fear or any other bad thing was wiped away to be replaced with joy and calmness. I was in pure and utter bliss. I let my eyes droop closed and just let myself drift in my Draya’s arms while still trying to keep somewhat aware of what was happening. I don’t know how much time had passed but I felt Draya slide her tongue over and around the bite.

“Are you alright darling? How are you feeling?”

“I’m good, better than good almost like what I would imagine being high would feel like.”

“That’s not uncommon it will wear off.”

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

“Much better now. Thank you darling.”

”You’re welcome.” I said with a sigh and rested my head against her chest feeling all happy and content.

We stayed like that for a long time until the sun began to set. “We should head back while we still have daylight.”

“Yeah I really don’t want to get lost out here especially considering they have coyotes out here sometimes you can hear them at night.” I said as I got up and began re-shuttering the windows and making sure everything was secured backup before leaving.

Draya simply jumped through the trap door to gracefully land on the ground.

As I am attempting to descend the rope ladder and pull the trap door closed at the same time I lost my balance and having only a lose one hand grip on the ladder I fell letting out a shriek of surprised fear. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact of the forest floor but instead felt strong yet gentle arms catching me. I open my eyes to see my angel, Draya smiling down at me “You really must be more careful Princess.”

She had caught me and was now holding me bridal style.

I didn’t say anything just looked at her our eyes locked and then something over took us; be it lust or passion or nature. Whatever it was it doesn’t matter as our lips were locked in a intense passionate kiss. Draya’s soft gentle lips against mine my arms were going around her neck my hands going into her hair. Draya’s arms tightening around me. I was feeling overwhelmed and exhilarated at the exact same time and every emotion was being poured into that single kiss. All the joy and sorrow, love and hatred, serenity and anxiety, innocence and guilt, delight and regret, acceptance and fear everything all of it encompassed by this one kiss. We broke apart only when my body reminded me that I needed to breathe. We looked at each other and locked eyes again and we just stayed like that for awhile then the moment broke we looked away from each other and Draya set me down on my feet then took my hand and laced our fingers together and I couldn’t help but notice not for the first time how perfectly they fit together like they were made for each other. We began to walk making our way out of the woods then I broke the silence. “Draya the incident in the tree house…nobody needs to know about that let’s just keep it between the two of us.”

Draya nodded in agreement.

Before we completely exited the tree line Draya stopped and let go of my hand she took a black bandanna that she had been wearing on her wrist and tied it around my neck “Best if we keep the marks hidden for now. Vampire saliva does have some healing properties by morning they will have faded enough that they will just look like they could be mosquito bites and by that night they will have disappeared completely.” Draya explained but there was something in her tone that told me she still felt really bad about what happened probably worse than bad but was trying to hide it and failing miserably. She could probably fool everyone else but not me.

My cousin Shane greeted us as we returned his blond hair reflecting in the last rays of sunset “Welcome back to civilization.” he said

“Hello again to you too. Shane where is everybody else?” I asked.

“Up in the house, last time I saw them they were all yelling over a game of lord of the rings monopoly and that was just an argument over who got to be Gandalf.” he said and that made me laugh. “We should probably go make sure that they haven’t killed each other yet.” and we all headed back to the house.

That night we all gathered around the old wood stove my cousin had that warmed the entire downstairs and made s’mores with it after which we watched A little princess fallowed by the princess bride before everyone turned in for the night. I lay down on the full size air mattress with a camping cot on top along with a sleeping bag that had been unzipped all the way and I hold my arms open. “Come here Draya, I’ll be the big spoon tonight.”

“I thought it was my turn to be the big spoon?”

“Yeah but I think you need to be the little spoon a bit more than I do right now.”

Draya didn’t argue as she crawled into my arms and we snuggled up together under a big down comforter. Draya did prefer being the little spoon “I think one of my favorite things in this world is being held by you darling.” she said contentedly.

“If it makes you feel better, I will hold you until the end of time. Or, at least, until one of us has to pee.” I said.

That made Draya laugh and it’s musical sound made me smile

I ran my fingers through her hair and her breathing became deep and even and steady and when I was sure she was asleep only then did I allow myself to drift off to sleep myself.

THE END story will continue in the story titled Dancing in the Rain ( Week In The Country)

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