‘With a smile, you promise to say nothing more.’
Write a poem or short story that concludes with this line. What kind of themes could lead to this final phrase?
You Promise
Heavy thought, heavy footsteps,
You hear a door slam.
With one look,
You promise to see me for all I am.
The heart wants what it wants,
Another soul, another view.
With a nod,
You promise that you will always be blue.
I want to leave, be free,
Take some time to be apart.
With your hands,
You promise to hold me forever in your heart.
After the mismatches, the fights,
You never ask why.
With your eyes,
You promise this fire will never die.
I try to turn away, tears shedding,
A feeble attempt to flee.
With your lips,
You promise your future is only me.
You say our paths may go on to tangle,
“What does the Universe have in store?”
With a smile,
You promise to say nothing more.