Submitted by an anonymous Daily Prompt user.

"Your time is up. Better run!"

Write a story that contains this line of speech anywhere within.

A Not So Friendly Confrontation

“Kid, you awake?” A man’s voice said. God damn, that was a DEEP voice. I open my eyes, slowly gaining consciousness. Who fucked up? I did. I was currently tied to a chair. “Wuh-..What?” I mutter, looking around. Such a dark room
Emo. “Jace Dwyer Lovelock. Don’t play dumb with me. Don’t do it. I know what you did, you too.” The man said. “So, for the sake of both of us, don’t pretend.” He added on. I laugh, looking more closely at the man. Oh SHIT. I immediately stiffen up. “..Y-You. It’s you. You. Nick. I didn’t
I didn’t
Nick, you don’t really believe i did that, did you?..Sir.”

“Dwyer, you can’t save yourself from this one. I’ll let you off easy. Tell me.”

“Tell you what?”

“EXPLAIN why you did it, hm?”

I laugh, quickly regretting my actions.

“Did you just
You just LAUGHED. You think this is funny, huh? All just a game to you, right? Right?” Nicks voice boomed as he grabbed my collar, rather harshly. “Don’t FUCK with me. Explain. You betrayed my trust, betrayed my friends
All for some money? Money, huh?
gets people to do anything nowadays.” Nick let go, scoffing. “If you don’t manage to explain, I’ll make sure you go through hell.” Nick added on, still staring at me. Damn why was this guy so creepy? Who kidnaps people in order to confront them?

“Right. We could be here all day, really. All week, even.” I say, rolling my eyes. Luckily Nick didn’t notice i rolled my eyes, or he just didn’t care at this point

Nick just shook his head in response. What the fuck was THAT supposed to mean? I tried to come up with a good ‘story’ (a fake one, at that.) But i just couldn’t bring myself to actually say it. I can lie all right, im a ruthless liar. Social anxiety just hits different though. As I sat there constantly tripping over words and contemplating how i should lie, Nick grew impatient.

“Dwyer. Hurry up. I actually have a life, unlike you.”

I tried my hardest to not give him a dirty look.

“Alright, then
” I say. Nick rolled his eyes.

Another 2 minutes passed
.Two minutes turned into four, and four minutes turned into seven. Eventually 25 minutes had passed.

“DWYER.” Nick yelled, grabbing my collar. I wasn’t intimidated one bit by this little wannabe tough guy. Nick sighed, and his demeanor changed. He got off of me and just stood there, with his hand behind his back smiling. Nick was acting hella weird, but then again, he always is. “Alright, Jace, er- Dwyer sounds better, right? Although it wouldn’t really matter, since
This would be the last time anyone’s called your name.” Now I knew i actually fucked up. “Listen, Dwyer. You probably guessed right?
So let me just state the obvious, Your times up, better run!—well, you can’t because
..Anyways, you know what’s gonna happen now?” I scoff and look down, nodding.

“Well, your fucking dead. Shouldn’t have done it!”

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